CONVERSATION BETWEEN @A. Langdon and @J.Ahlquist begins 19:28:36

A: Hey, kid. Just writing to tell you that Xing's dead. Hippodrome's yours now.


J: You're Joking, right?


A: No. Not unless you want to hand it over to Piers or something.


J: I guess you're right. What am I going to do with it now? Half of the guards are dead, and without Xing, I don't have any connections past Piers's guys.


A: I can help with that.


J: Go on?


A: I'm at the automaton maintenance warehouse. Y'know? Cumberland Business Park?


J: Yeah, I remember. What's the catch?


A: No catch, just a deal. I've known you for ages, Jack, so I'm gonna trust you with this. My robots and the weapons I've rigged onto them will be stationed at the Hippodrome, as long as I get to use it as a safehouse of sorts.


J: I'm liking that idea. Is that all you want?


A: A coffee would be nice. You still remember how I like it?


J: You're having me on.


A: Yeah, I am. I'd like you to side with me. Ditch the bandits, come join the winning side. If I can take out Xing, what can't I do?


J: A lot. I heard over the airwaves that Piers was in contact with Derwent. Roland told me, and he doesn't lie.




J: Yeah, it isn't good for me either. Piers is already messed up, him on whatever that doctor has is only going to make it worse.


A: Guess that arms deal was a waste of time then.


J: What do you mean?


A: They were both supposed to die there, not just Xing. Now I got less weapons at my disposal and a warehouse in ruins.


J: You can make it work. I don't know what happened when Roland shot you in the face, but I know your ego didn't get punctured. You'll find a way, if only despite the situation.


A: You know me too well, Jack.


J: What can I say? I'm just a good secretary like that.


A: No doubt about that. But what about that deal? Are you with me?