Chapter 10: The Maybe

As the foundation day ended, we parted ways from the mall, and Melisandre mentioned that we were headed in the same direction, making us travel buddies on the bus ride home. Sitting together on the bus, the atmosphere was cool and refreshing, providing a momentary relief from the complexities of pursuing Jackie, though deep down, it pained me immensely. I suspected that Melisandre might have sensed my feelings for Jackie all along. In her own way, she lifted my spirits with various topics of conversation. We discussed life, ambitions, and dreams—while I can't recall the specifics, I distinctly remember how she supported me, providing a much-needed breather to gather my thoughts amidst the emotional turmoil.

From this point on, I spent most of my time with Melisandre who became like my study buddy and best friend in going to places. We did most of our stuff alone together. We did our homeworks in a cafe, we helped each other in shooting videos for our academic requirements, and on shopping for food, clothes, or games together. We supported each other in almost every way.

As Valentine's Day approached, I grew increasingly convinced that Melisandre was the one for me. She brought out the best in me, making the world feel lighter and more manageable. With unwavering confidence, I decided to buy something meaningful from my favorite store—a gift that I hoped would convey my feelings clearly. On Valentine's Day itself, my heart was filled with both anxiety and excitement as I handed her a bag containing a box of chocolates, accompanied by a note that simply said "Token of Appreciation".

Melisandre noticed that she was the only one I had given a gift to, not our other friends. I hoped she understood the deeper message behind it—a subtle love note expressing my feelings for her.