

The sun hung low over the beach, casting a warm, golden glow over the sand and sea. It was a perfect summer day, and the beach was crowded with people enjoying the sun, the surf, and the company of friends and family. Among them was Alex Devereaux, a twenty-year-old with a lean build, black hair that fell over his eyes, and a relaxed demeanor. He wasn't particularly religious or philosophical; he preferred the simple pleasures of life. Today, he was savoring the last moments of daylight, feeling the sun's warmth on his skin and the cool breeze in his hair.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Alex decided to take one last swim. He waded into the water, feeling the cool embrace of the ocean. He swam further out, enjoying the solitude and the rhythmic pull of the waves. But as he swam, a strong current suddenly caught him, pulling him further and further from the shore. Panic set in as he struggled against the relentless force, his strength waning with each passing second.

Darkness closed in around him, and Alex felt himself sinking deeper into the abyss. His lungs burned, and his vision blurred. Just as he was about to lose consciousness, a massive shadow loomed beneath him. He was no longer alone.

The water around him began to glow with an eerie, iridescent light. Through the haze, Alex saw it—an enormous draconic serpent, its scales shimmering in deep blue and emerald green hues. Its eyes, like burning sapphires, locked onto his, exuding an ancient and formidable intelligence. This was the Leviathan, a being only referenced in the Bible, a creature of immense power and mystery.

The Leviathan's presence was overwhelming, both awe-inspiring and terrifying. It did not radiate kindness or benevolence; instead, it was a force of nature, ancient and indifferent. As Alex hovered on the brink of death, the Leviathan's thoughts invaded his mind, filling him with images and sensations beyond his comprehension.

"Human," the Leviathan's voice echoed in his mind, deep and resonant. "Your fate is intertwined with mine."

Before Alex could react, the Leviathan's colossal jaws opened, and a surge of power enveloped him. He felt his body changing, transforming. His muscles burned with newfound strength, and his senses sharpened. An egg, glowing with the same iridescent light, appeared before him.

"Take this," the Leviathan commanded. "Protect it. It is my legacy, and now, it is yours."

The Leviathan's form began to fade, its ancient life force waning. As it disappeared into the depths, Alex found himself being pushed upwards, the water around him churning violently. He broke the surface, gasping for air, clutching the glowing egg to his chest.

He washed up on the shore, disoriented and trembling. The beach was empty now, the sun fully set, and darkness enveloping the world. Alex lay there, staring at the sky, his mind racing with the enormity of what had just happened. The Leviathan's power coursed through him, and the egg pulsed with a strange energy.

In the days that followed, Alex struggled to come to terms with his new reality. He experienced vivid nightmares and visions of ancient battles and celestial conflicts. The powers bestowed upon him were uncontrollable, and he feared the destruction they could cause.

Despite his initial attempts to return to normal life, it became clear that nothing would ever be the same. He avoided his friends and family, afraid of the changes within him. The world around him seemed different, more vibrant and yet more dangerous.

One evening, Alex found himself walking along the beach, the egg safely tucked away in his backpack. The ocean was calm, and the night was quiet. As he walked, he thought about the Leviathan's final words. What did it mean for his fate to be intertwined with such a powerful being? What was he supposed to do with this legacy?

He had no answers, only questions. But he knew one thing for certain: his life would never be the same.

As he returned home, Alex felt a deep exhaustion settle over him. He placed the egg carefully on his nightstand and collapsed into bed. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, but he couldn't fight the pull of sleep. His eyes closed, and he drifted off, the Leviathan's words echoing in his mind.

"Your fate is intertwined with mine."

Prologue: End