Chapter 12: Third Level of Qi Training

Yun Shang returned to the sect and go to her own yard. As soon as she entered the room, she closed the door first, and then took out the defense and isolation array that she had just bought in the market and a dozen low-grade spirit stones from her storage bag.

Yun Shang held the low-grade spirit stone and the array plate in her hand, raised her hand to inject a trace of spiritual energy into the array plate, and then waved her hand lightly, and a transparent light curtain appeared around the room, wrapping the entire room in it, and the array was completed; She looked at the arranged array, nodded with satisfaction, and then silently recited it. A white light flashed, and she reappear in the space.

Yun Shang first walked to the spiritual spring, and when she saw the spiritual stone lying quietly at the bottom of the spring, she smiled like a cat that had stolen some fish.

The low-grade spirit stones that were put in before have now become medium-grade spirit stones, and the medium-grade spirit stones have now become high-grade spirit stones;

Yun Shang planted the spiritual medicine seeds in the storage bag according to their types and grades, and planted the low-level spiritual herbs and seeds aside.

She planted the seeds of high-level spiritual herbs and medicines above level five and those seeds whose grade could not be determined near the spiritual spring, so that they would be easier for them to survive and grow.

Finally, she scattered a few level 8 blue jade lotus seeds in the spiritual spring. She didn't know how to cultivate these seeds, which needed to grow in the spiritual spring, so she could only scatter them in there.

The seeds of the spirit fruit tree are planted at the foot of the green hills in the space, and a special area is set aside for the spirit fruit trees.

After all the spiritual herbs, spiritual medicines and spiritual fruit tree seeds were planted, and she watered them with some spiritual spring water, she no longer cared about them;

she then planted the pearl rice, purple crystal rice and several kinds of spiritual vegetable seeds that she bought from the old woman in another area.

After doing all this, she was already exhausted and panting.

Yun Shang completely entered the life of seclusion. She meditates during the day and meditates at night. 

After several days in a row, she discovered a pattern: meditating at night is more efficient and the spiritual energy is more dense. Especially when there is moonlight and morning glow.

So this little girl adjusted her training plan: during the day, she would study the entanglement technique, water diversion technique, fireball technique, thick earth technique, golden sword technique, etc., and memorize the instructions and procedures for using these spells. As for the art of cleaning, she learned it when the sewage was dirty.

These small spells can be used after reaching the third level of Qi training. Getting acquainted in advance will always bring unexpected benefits. She began to concentrate her mind and energy at night, and the effect became better day by day, especially when there was moonlight and morning dew. So half a month later, she steadily entered the third level of Qi training.

When she was out of seclusion, the low-level spiritual medicine area looks very dense, and the fourth-level spiritual medicine seeds have all sprouted and are growing well.

She was puzzled. Even if the space had time acceleration, it would take one day outside and ten days inside. Even a first-level spiritual medicine would take at least three months to mature. And she had only been in the space for two months. How could the spiritual medicine mature so quickly?

Then she glanced at the spiritual spring beside her, and suddenly realized, how could she forget that the spiritual spring has the effect of accelerating plant growth? It seems that she will no longer need to irrigate the spiritual spring water when planting low-level spiritual medicines in the future to avoid waste.

After she figured it out, she became busy harvesting all the mature spiritual herbs and medicines below level three.

Then she placed the elixir in a corner of the wooden house without using a jade box. The space had the function of preserving freshness, so she was not afraid that it would go bad. Besides, she didn't have that many jade boxes now.

Finally, she collected the fallen spiritual medicine seeds and planted a new batch. In the early stages of learning alchemy, spiritual medicines are still very scarce, so it is better to plant more.

However, this time, she didn't water the spiritual spring water when planting the spiritual herbs of level one to three. The growth cycle of spiritual herbs below level three is not long, and with the acceleration of space and time, there is no need to water them with spiritual spring water.

After doing all this, she went to the spiritual spring again. The high-level spiritual herbs and medicinal herbs planted here had basically not shown any signs of growth. She also knew that high-level seeds needed a long time to grow, so she watered them with spiritual spring water again.

The same goes for the spiritual fruit tree area. There has been no movement so far, and she is still watering it with spiritual spring water.

As for the pearl rice, purple crystal rice and several kinds of spiritual vegetables planted in another area, they are all mature, and she is busy again. She harvests all the pearl rice, purple crystal rice and various spiritual vegetables, and then plants a new batch.

It doesn't matter if you plant more. You can sell them later if you can't eat them all. After all, selling these is much less risky than selling a large amount of spiritual medicine. You will have a legitimate way to spend spiritual stones in the future.

After Yun Shang finished all this, she took out some pots and pans that she had bought at the market, cleaned them, and also various seasonings and other items, and made some spiritual rice with pearl rice.

She also fried a few dishes with spiritual vegetables, which were fragrant and full of spiritual energy. After having a delicious meal, she continued her seclusion.

Yun Shang then devoted herself to studying practical spells for daily life. As far as her current cultivation level is concerned, she can currently learn five spells: entanglement, water diversion, fireball, thick earth, and golden sword.

 Among them, the entanglement technique consumes one's own wood spiritual energy. It can use surrounding plants to entangle prey that is not far away. The disadvantage is that it must be in an environment with plants to facilitate its use.

 The Water Diversion Technique is also a spell that can be practiced by anyone regardless of their spiritual roots. As the name suggests, it consumes one's own spiritual energy to form airflow to draw out the surrounding water sources for flushing or other uses. That is to say, the water diversion technique requires that there be a water source around you. In the beginning, the water source is around you. As your cultivation level increases, the water diversion technique requires that the distance from the water source can be increased, and even moisture in the air can be drawn out.

 The fireball technique is used by monks with fire spiritual roots to use the fire spiritual energy in the body to gather into a small ball, giving it attack attributes. The purity of each person's spiritual energy, spell operation, etc. will cause differences in attack power.

 The Thick Earth Technique uses the earth spiritual roots of the monks to condense the earth spiritual energy into physical objects such as earth walls, which play a defensive role.

 The Golden Sword Art uses the golden spiritual energy to condense a small sword, which is extremely sharp, slightly more offensive, and better at long-range attacks.

 Because the five elements are interconnected and mutually reinforcing each other. Among them, metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal;

 However, metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, and water overcomes fire.

At this point, Yun Shang began her boring journey of learning magic. Apart from taking spiritual fruits, occasionally sleeping, and spending time doing secular exercises, she spent all the remaining time practicing spells. When spiritual medicine and fruits mature, she became busy harvesting all.

Although the attack power of these five spells is small, they are the basic project for Yun Shang to enter the world of immortality.

First, she is novel about cultivating immortals, and secondly, due to her personality, so she absolutely studies and researches it with all her heart.

The hard work paid off, and finally on the tenth day, Yun Shang was able to successfully cast the second spell entanglement in her life, although the effect was not very good.

She spent another five days practicing the entanglement technique over and over again, studying the proficiency of the technique and the control of the amount of spiritual energy.

Of course, due to her cultivation, she basically casts three entanglement spells, and the wood spiritual energy stored in her Dantian is basically used up.

That is to say, Yun Shang's spiritual energy reserve can now be used for up to three entanglement spells! So she had to keep meditating, casting spells, meditating, casting spells. 

 After such repeated operations, she began to practice the fireball technique again, from small sparks that were extinguished in the first second, to small flames that could ignite fire, to small fireballs that finally formed into a ball.

After countless repetitions, the fireball was finally able to be fired as desired. The speed was a bit slow, but much better. After all, wood makes fire, and mastering wood skills well will also greatly promote the development of fire skills.

 Later, Yun Shang found a small stream and used the water diversion technique according to the water diversion technique. "One method can be used, and all methods can be used." This time, it only took more than five days, and the water diversion technique was already at hand. 

 After that, she mastered the thick soil technique; and finally spent 10 days practicing the golden sword technique.

After Yun Shang learned the five spells in 45 days, she spent another 40 days consolidating and practicing them.

In the end, she was able to control the spells accurately with the minimum amount of spiritual energy in no order, no mistakes, and with the minimum amount of spiritual energy. These five spells can be emitted at will.

Time slowly passed by as she meditated and studied spells, which were boring and novel day after day.

After learning all five spells, she began to apply them in her daily life.

And she found that meditating after continuously depleting her spiritual power would increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, so she often did this in the space.

Invisibly, her Dantian contained far more spiritual energy than the monks of the same period, and her combat power was also much stronger.

Now She has no problem fighting ordinary opponents at the higher level of Qi training. From the very beginning, one spell consumed all the same kind of spiritual energy in the body.

Later, every time she meditated and the spiritual energy was full, two or three kinds of the same kind of spiritual energy could be released. 

She remembered that she had read in many cultivation novel that protagonist encountered a cultivator during her training.

He was very powerful and was very good at magic, swordsmanship and footwork.

The spells in his hands were so fast that they could even be cast instantly. Because he could cast spells instantly, he frequently suppressed the protagonist in their battles, causing her to suffer a great loss.

Yun Shang also wanted to emulate him. Good things should be learned from. If it's instant, the operation must be fast.

People often only pay attention to the quality of the magic, but forget this something that can be said to be neither trivial nor unimportant.

Of course, some people realize this, but they don't have enough time and energy to practice, so they end up giving up.

Yun Shang is not worried about this. As long as she practices within the space, she will have enough time to master it.

The speed inside the space is different from the speed outside, so there is enough time for Yun Shang to practice.

Yun Shang stumbled a little when she first started practicing. However, as she cast more and more spells, the spell seals on her hands became faster and faster, almost catching up instantaneously.

Yun Shang put more effort into it, allowing herself to do it instantly.

Now she can perform five techniques of five elements at once, which is really a pleasant surprise.

After practicing these spells, Yun Shang will then practice the weapons. How can she have spells without weapons?

Yun Shang took out a low-grade spiritual sword from the storage bag issued by the sect.

This magic sword is specially made by the sect for little-known people in the world of immortal cultivation like Yun Shang to use. It is just a magic weapon.

The grade of this spiritual sword is not high. If the grade of the spiritual sword is too high, Yun Shang will find it difficult to use it. Mobilizing the spirit sword once might cause the spiritual power in her body to be depleted.

However, Yun Shang did not plan to refine this magic sword. One reason was that the grade of this magic sword was too low, and the other was that the quality was not very good.

So she just needs to use it to practice "Basic Swordsmanship"

Yun Shang step firmly on her horse state, straighten her arms, and swing the sword vigorously 300 times everyday. Two hours of basic movements such as cutting, stabbing, tapping, cutting, wiping, and picking.