Chapter 23

Since the fight with He Shanglu, Ruan Miao hadn't spoken to him for days. It wasn't that he was holding a grudge, but He Shanglu had initiated a cold war, completely ignoring Ruan Miao whenever they crossed paths at home, striding past him arrogantly.

Ruan Miao found He Shanglu's childish behavior frustrating. He wasn't one to seek out trouble, so if He Shanglu didn't want to acknowledge him, he wouldn't go out of his way to be noticed. Besides, He Shanglu had been the provocateur that night.

After breakfast, He Shanglu stormed out of the house again, and Ruan Miao, finishing his meal, grabbed his bag to leave as well. He Shangye was on a business trip and wouldn't return for a few days, leaving the younger ones free to act out.

"You promised me you'd stay away from Jian Fanyu," He Shangzhi's sudden, soft voice startled Ruan Miao, who turned to see her sitting in a chair.

"I haven't done anything with him," Ruan Miao replied, confused.

He Shangzhi bit her lip, struggling internally before standing up and approaching him. "I... I just want you to be safe."

Ruan Miao didn't understand her concern. They had barely interacted, and she rarely spoke to him. He couldn't fathom why she sometimes looked at him as if he were so important.

"Aren't I fine now?" Ruan Miao joked, showing her his hands. "I'm doing great."

He Shangzhi looked at his hands, then slowly placed her own over them, gently holding them and feeling their warmth. Suddenly, she began to cry.

"Still alive."

Ruan Miao was more bewildered than ever. He felt fine, so why was she crying? "Why are you crying? Are you feeling unwell? Should I help you take the day off so you can rest?"

"Please don't cry."

He Shangzhi's crying grew more intense, transforming her from the quiet, background figure she usually was into a person full of color and emotion.

Ruan Miao, completely at a loss, had no experience comforting crying girls. He awkwardly let her hold his hand and gently patted her back, sensing her deep sadness but unable to understand its source.

Even when he arrived at school, he was still puzzled. He was convinced He Shangzhi's repeated odd behavior was related to him, but in the two months since his arrival in this world, they had barely interacted. Aside from her warnings to stay away from Jian Fanyu, they had little to no communication.

It seemed she was certain he would get involved with Jian Fanyu, and she appeared afraid he might suddenly die.

Ruan Miao felt a bit creeped out. Could He Shangzhi have some psychological issues? It's all because the original story provided so little detail about the He family, leaving him with no memories to recall.

"Miao Miao!"

As soon as Ruan Miao entered the classroom, Fang Zhi rushed over excitedly, "I got the scholarship for the midterm exams!"

"Congratulations." Ruan Miao was extremely envious. The Second High School was wealthy and generous with scholarships for top students, enough to cover a semester's living expenses. Fang Zhi relied on these scholarships to get by, as he had three younger siblings to support.

Fang Zhi's face was flushed with excitement. He scratched his head shyly and said, "I want to treat you to a meal."

"No need." Ruan Miao waved his hands repeatedly, "You worked hard for that scholarship. How can you spend it on me? Save it for something nice for yourself."

Usually quiet and unnoticeable, Fang Zhi had an endearing stubbornness. He somehow considered Ruan Miao a lifelong friend since the time Ruan Miao stood up for him during a cleaning duty. That small act of kindness had made a significant impression on Fang Zhi.

"No, I insist." Fang Zhi insisted softly, "Let's just eat at the cafeteria?"

Ruan Miao, moved by Fang Zhi's enthusiasm, agreed. "Alright, let's have beef rice together?"

Xi You, nearby, interjected with a sour tone, "What's so great about a scholarship? I got one too! And the second-place prize money is even higher!"

Ruan Miao ignored him, pretending not to hear. Fang Zhi wasn't upset either, but his attachment to Ruan Miao was obvious, possibly due to Ruan Miao's innate ability to draw people close and make them feel at ease. This trait wasn't lost on Xi You.

"Don't play favorites," Xi You half-jokingly complained. "Remember, I'm your lifesaver."

Ruan Miao sighed deeply, "Can't you be serious for once?" After agreeing to have lunch with Fang Zhi, Ruan Miao turned back to Xi You, who was feigning helplessness, "Since when were we so close?"

"Humph." Xi You rolled his eyes in a huff and muttered something under his breath, audible only to himself.

"If it weren't for me covering for you, you'd have been exposed long ago."

Ruan Miao didn't catch what he said, figuring it was just Xi You's childish behavior. He would get over it soon enough without needing any coaxing.

At noon in the cafeteria, Ruan Miao and Fang Zhi sat together, enjoying their beef rice. From a distance, they looked like two contented little rabbits. Jian Fanyu quietly sat down at their table with his tray, greeting them calmly, "Is this seat taken?"

"No." Ruan Miao moved over, making room and then sitting beside Fang Zhi. Ever since he felt his cover was about to be blown, he had been more relaxed around Jian Fanyu, acting as if nothing had happened as long as Jian Fanyu didn't bring it up.

Fang Zhi, however, seemed nervous. Jian Fanyu was a prominent figure at school, and each of his accolades could make anyone feel inadequate, especially someone like Fang Zhi, who was already somewhat self-conscious.

"Beef rice again?" Jian Fanyu glanced at Ruan Miao's tray with an inscrutable smile.

Ruan Miao looked at his plate and, feeling a bit proud, said, "I love the beef rice here. Fang Zhi got a scholarship and treated me!"

Feeling proud of his friend's achievement, Ruan Miao couldn't help but boast as if it were his own accomplishment, "And he's a really good person, very loyal and kind. He even helps me with my studies."

Fang Zhi blushed furiously, focusing on poking at his beef with chopsticks.

Jian Fanyu didn't interrupt, seemingly enjoying listening to Ruan Miao talk. After a while, Ruan Miao remembered something, "Why are you alone today? Where's Xi Li?"

"He's too noisy." Jian Fanyu replied nonchalantly, "Want an egg tart?"

Ruan Miao glanced at the untouched, golden egg tarts on Jian Fanyu's tray, looking delicious, "Aren't you going to eat them?"

"No." Jian Fanyu pushed the tray forward slightly, "They're part of the set meal, and I can't finish them."

Ruan Miao hesitated for a moment. Although he and Jian Fanyu were not that close, refusing the offer seemed impolite. "I don't want it, thank you."

"Alright." Jian Fanyu didn't insist, but he frowned slightly, looking troubled, "Then I'll have to throw them away."

Ruan Miao glanced at the egg tarts again, feeling it was a waste, "That would be such a waste."

"Then you should take them," Jian Fanyu said gently, "It's not good to waste food, right?"

Ruan Miao agreed, and since they did have some camaraderie, it felt less pretentious to accept. He happily took the egg tarts, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jian Fanyu seemed in a good mood as he took a sip of his soup.

Ruan Miao, ever the considerate friend, offered one of the egg tarts to Fang Zhi. However, Fang Zhi didn't like sweets, so Ruan Miao regretfully had to eat them both himself. Perhaps it was because they were a gift, but the egg tarts tasted better than usual.

Just then, He Shanglu passed by with his tablemate. Seeing Ruan Miao happily eating with Jian Fanyu, he rolled his eyes and snorted loudly, making a conspicuous exit past Ruan Miao.

"What's his problem?" Fang Zhi asked Ruan Miao softly, "Isn't he your brother?"

"Who knows?" Ruan Miao shrugged, "Maybe he's going through his rebellious phase, finding everyone annoying."

Fang Zhi nodded in understanding, "Is that how you got the bruises on your face? He's really over the line."

Ruan Miao touched the fading bruise on his face, looking for a way to save face, "Actually, I fought back too. He didn't get off any easier than I did."

"Is it because of me?" Jian Fanyu seemed a bit melancholic, "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's not that." Seeing the beauty's melancholy frown made Ruan Miao's heart soften, and he quickly explained, "My second brother just has that kind of temper. You don't need to blame yourself. He's just suspicious that I'm in a premature romance, like an old-fashioned thinker. It's not your fault."

Jian Fanyu sighed deeply.

Fang Zhi had a look of shock on his face as if he had just heard some juicy gossip. He looked back and forth between Ruan Miao and Jian Fanyu, feeling that he might have stumbled upon a huge secret.

A few tables away, Xi Li, abandoned by Jian Fanyu, was eating with his younger brother, Xi You. Xi You glanced over at them several times and finally couldn't help but poke his brother's hand and whisper, "What are you looking at?"

Xi Li glanced leisurely, "Can't you tell?"

"Fat rabbits must be delicious."

Xi You: "???"