Chapter 32

Ruan Miao could finally breathe a sigh of relief after handling the document. The document was almost gone in his heart.

In the following days, Ruan Miao temporarily set aside other concerns and focused entirely on reviewing for his exams. He studied late into the night, often staying up until almost dawn. Because he pushed himself so hard, he started feeling unwell over those few days.

But he didn't want to take a break. After all, he had already boasted about his abilities, and if he didn't deliver, he feared He Shangye would be disappointed. Maybe it was because He Shangye had maintained an objective attitude towards him since he arrived in this world, but Ruan Miao found himself caring about He Shangye's opinion, not wanting to let him down.

Even He Shanglu, who usually wasn't very perceptive, noticed the dark circles under his eyes and asked disapprovingly, "What have you been doing at night?"

"Studying," Ruan Miao replied weakly. "The exam is tomorrow."

He Shanglu frowned disapprovingly and checked his forehead for a fever. Though Ruan Miao wasn't running a fever, his body temperature felt a bit low. "You need to rest well tonight. Exams are no big deal."

Ruan Miao firmly shook his head. "How can exams be no big deal? I'm already behind others. If I don't work harder, how can I prove myself?"

"Why do you need to prove yourself?" He Shanglu didn't understand. He rarely looked this serious. "Even if you don't do well, who can do anything to you? And does it really matter what others think?"

He Shangzhi brought a cup of hot water, set it on the table, and quietly sat opposite him. "He's right."

Ruan Miao, feeling a bit headachy after a week of nonstop practice exams, sighed and said softly, "I'm just a fool who only knows how to study. If I don't achieve something academically, wouldn't I be a joke?"

"Who says you have no strengths?" He Shanglu immediately disagreed. "I think you're great just the way you are. If anyone says otherwise, I'll beat them up!"

Ruan Miao couldn't help but smile. Sometimes he found He Shanglu endearing. It seemed like in his world, there was no hurdle he couldn't overcome, no problem a good fight couldn't solve. He lived freely and without constraints, though his roughness sometimes made him insensitive to others' feelings. Yet, he was indeed a reliable brother.

"You always resort to fighting. Don't you know modern society values reasoning?" Ruan Miao chuckled. "I'll rest after the exam tomorrow. Don't worry. I can still hold on for now."

He Shangzhi, who had been silent, now spoke gently, "You're already great. You don't need to prove anything."

At home, she usually said very little. Ruan Miao often felt like He Shangzhi was an outsider in the He family. Yet, when it came to matters concerning him, she would always say something, like now, making him feel a strange sense of connection.

He Shangzhi seemed to only care about him, appearing indifferent even to her own brother, He Shanglu. But why? Ruan Miao remembered that when he first arrived in this world, she was quite cold towards him too. Then one day, her attitude suddenly changed. He had once wondered if He Shangzhi was also a time traveler. With Jian Fanyu having been reborn, what else wasn't possible?

He had tested her a few times but got no response. He Shangzhi hid her emotions deeply, impossible for anyone to read.

But regardless, her concern for him was real. Ruan Miao decided not to dwell on her true identity and reassured them, "Don't worry about me. I'll rest well after the exam."

However, reality proved he underestimated his condition.

The final exams lasted three days. By the third day, Ruan Miao felt significantly worse. From the moment he woke up, he was dizzy, cold, and weak, but he tried his best to hide it.

After all his hard work, it was finally exam time, the culmination of his three months of effort since arriving in this world. He couldn't give up now. He had to achieve good results.

Moreover, he couldn't let down Jian Fanyu, who had provided him with study materials. So, he gritted his teeth and forced himself through the final physics exam. When he handed in his paper and left the exam hall, he felt like he was floating.

With his backpack on, Ruan Miao felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders. Despite wearing a thick down jacket, he still felt cold. Other students gathered in groups, chatting and laughing. With the final exam over, winter break had begun. Grades would be posted in the new semester, and the class teacher would inform them in advance through a group message. Homework would be mailed to them, so there was no need to return to school to collect it.

"Are you okay?" Xi You caught up from behind, looking worried. "You looked really pale this morning. Fang Zhi even asked me if you were sick."

"I'm fine. I'll be better after some sleep," Ruan Miao replied, his head throbbing. "Where's Fang Zhi?"

Xi You checked his watch and replied, "He left early. You know his home is far away in the countryside. He only had time to tell me to stay in touch during the break before he left."

"I have a flight to catch. Take care of yourself. If you really can't manage, call someone from home to pick you up," Xi You said quickly, patting Ruan Miao on the shoulder before rushing off.

Ruan Miao nearly stumbled from the pat, muttering to himself as he continued towards the school gate. For the first time, the campus seemed excessively large. After walking for a long time, he still hadn't reached the gate. He wanted to get out quickly, but his body seemed to have reached its limit. He felt dizzy and nauseous, wanting to lie down right there.

He kept walking, barely noticing Jian Fanyu calling out to him from behind. He moved like a ghost.

Jian Fanyu frowned, staying a few steps behind him. It was the first time Ruan Miao hadn't responded to his call. Before he could figure out what was wrong, he saw Ruan Miao collapse ahead. Rushing over, he found Ruan Miao burning with fever, his cheeks flushed, eyes unfocused, and breathing rapidly.

Jian Fanyu lightly patted Ruan Miao's face and softly asked, "Are you okay?"

Ruan Miao was burning with fever, too disoriented to recognize anyone or respond. Jian Fanyu, half-carrying him, made his way toward the gate, intending to take him home to see a doctor. Just as they reached the gate, a car door opened, and He Shangye stepped out.

Frowning as he saw the unconscious Ruan Miao in Jian Fanyu's arms, He Shangye sighed deeply. "Stubborn kid."

He Shangye reached out to take Ruan Miao from Jian Fanyu, but Jian Fanyu stepped back, looking calmly at He Shangye, clearly unwilling to hand Ruan Miao over.

Although both were prominent young members of their respective families, they had little interaction over the years. He Shangye had been studying abroad, and their age difference meant they didn't share the same social circles. Apart from occasional holiday greetings, they had no personal interaction, making this their first direct confrontation.

He Shangye raised an eyebrow. Was Jian Fanyu planning to oppose him?

He Shangye knew Jian Fanyu to be aloof and unsocial, rarely engaging with others unless it involved the pampered young master of the Yan family. Otherwise, he lived in near isolation.

But now…

He Shangye, unperturbed by Jian Fanyu's behavior, calmly thanked him. "Thank you, Fourth young master Jian, for looking after our child. May I take him home now?"

Jian Fanyu didn't respond immediately. His earlier protective gesture was instinctive, surprising even himself. Since He Shangye was willing to communicate, there was no need for confrontation. After all, Ruan Miao was technically his brother, albeit without any blood relation.

"Your little rabbit needs proper care," Jian Fanyu said after a moment, gently handing Ruan Miao over. "Rabbits may seem timid and obedient, but they have wild hearts. If their owner isn't gentle, they can bite and run away."

"If someone else picks up a runaway rabbit, it becomes theirs."

"Isn't that right?"

He Shangye, holding the feverish Ruan Miao, smiled politely. "Does Jian Si Shao like small animals?"

"I used to like falcons," Jian Fanyu sighed, with a hint of half-true regret. "But I couldn't tame it, so I clipped its wings and set it free. Later, I found that I preferred rabbits."

"Without experience in keeping pets, you might not understand."

He Shangye's expression deepened, staring at Jian Fanyu for a moment. Despite his youth, Jian Fanyu carried an air that often outmatched even his own.

When did Jian Fanyu develop such a presence?

He Shangye adjusted Ruan Miao in his arms and, dismissing the topic of rabbits, said, "Since Fourth young master Jian enjoys keeping pets, I won't take up more of your time. Wild rabbits are plentiful outside; you can easily find many."

"But our foolish rabbit has an owner and might not adapt well to other homes. If it becomes homesick, it'll want to come back."

With that, He Shangye, without looking back, carried his brother to the car, leaving Jian Fanyu behind. He closed the door firmly, and the car slowly pulled away from the school gate, not leaving a trace for Jian Fanyu.

He Shangye couldn't explain why he felt the need to compete with someone almost a decade younger. He simply found Jian Fanyu's demeanor irritating, as if Ruan Miao was already his.

What was the Jian family anyway, to covet their family member?

He Shangye looked down at the sleeping Ruan Miao on his lap and gently pinched his cheek.

"Shanglu was right, you should stay away from him."

That guy was indeed bad news.