Chapter 41

It seemed that Yan Yang had mistaken him for Jian Fanyu's partner.

Ruan Miao realized this and, looking at the tears in Yan Yang's clear eyes, suddenly felt an eerie sense of "what goes around comes around." Even the scummy attacker has his day!

"You must be mistaken. My relationship with Jian Fanyu is just a normal classmate one. We're here today to work on homework together."

Yan Yang was taken aback. Jian Fanyu pulled Ruan Miao's hand from Yan Yang's grip and left without looking back. Ruan Miao hurried to follow him. Once they had walked some distance, he asked anxiously, "Do you still like him?"

"Why do you ask?" Jian Fanyu's tone seemed to calm down, sounding like it did before.

Ruan Miao hesitated for a moment before saying, "Because if you didn't like him anymore, you wouldn't get so angry every time you see him."

Jian Fanyu turned back and, with a self-deprecating smile, said, "Then what should I do? Should I smile at him?"

"Not really." Ruan Miao regretted asking such a question that was clearly stabbing at the heart.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I just want you to let it go," Ruan Miao said guiltily, gripping his milk tea. "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

In response to Ruan Miao's apology, Jian Fanyu raised his hand and gently embraced him, resting his chin tenderly on Ruan Miao's head. He sighed softly, "Why apologize? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I really don't have those feelings for him anymore. Twenty years have long turned all my sincerity to dust. Now, I'm just a bit impatient with him, not still in love as you think."

Otherwise, with his personality, Yan Yang would have been dead a thousand times over by now.

Ruan Miao was a little flustered by Jian Fanyu's sudden embrace, but after a while, he got used to the slightly lower body temperature. Passersby occasionally cast envious glances at the two young men quietly hugging on the street.

First love during school days is the most beautiful. Youth is wonderful.

After a while, Ruan Miao suddenly remembered something and hurriedly pushed Jian Fanyu away, "The milk tea is going to spill!"

"Hurry up and drink it while it's hot! I waited in line for a long time to buy it. Their taro milk tea is absolutely amazing!"

Jian Fanyu: "..."

Although Ruan Miao's lack of romantic sense interrupted the carefully cultivated mood, Jian Fanyu was still in a good mood.

They were walking by the roadside, discussing where to eat, when Ruan Miao's phone rang. After a short conversation, he regretfully told Jian Fanyu, "Sorry, my family wants me to come home for dinner. There are meat dumplings!"

"Alright, next time then?" Jian Fanyu smiled warmly. "Let me know if the meat dumplings are good."

Ruan Miao nodded eagerly. After waiting a while by the roadside, his ride arrived. Jian Fanyu considerately opened the car door for him. Ruan Miao lowered the window to wave goodbye.

The car slowly drove away, leaving Jian Fanyu further behind.

When Ruan Miao got home, he immediately took off his down jacket, cotton clothes, and shoes in the warm living room. He washed his hands and ran around in socks. He got a kick from He Shanglu, who scolded him, "Put on your slippers! What a bad habit!"

Ruan Miao obediently found his slippers, feeling his stomach growl as he smelled the dumplings. "Can we eat now?"

He Shangye looked up at him, nodded lightly, then put down the newspaper and walked to the dining table. He Shangzhi also came down from upstairs. After greeting her warmly, Ruan Miao ran to the kitchen to help He Shanglu bring out the plates.

"We're all family, so why only order me around?" He Shanglu fumed, carrying the dumplings. "Why am I the only one doing things?"

"Because of the law of the jungle," He Shangye replied calmly. "I make the rules."

He Shanglu sulkily closed his mouth. Ruan Miao came out of the kitchen with dumplings, comforting him after hearing his complaints, "It's okay, second brother. I'm here too. I'm even weaker than you."

He Shanglu wanted to tell him to shut up. Weaker, my foot! You're about to become the apple of our elder brother's eye, and you still dare say you're weak!

"Miaomiao, sit here," He Shangye nodded, signaling Ruan Miao to sit.

He Shanglu rolled his eyes, put down the dumplings, and sat down too. The family quietly ate dumplings. He Shangzhi took a bite and found hers were beef-filled, so she pushed her plate to Ruan Miao.

"These are your favorite beef dumplings. Have them."

Ruan Miao's plate had shepherd's purse and pork dumplings, his least favorite. Hearing He Shangzhi offer to swap, he asked excitedly, "Really?"

"Yes," He Shangzhi said, dragging his plate in front of herself. "I don't like meat."

Ruan Miao was happy and about to eat when he suddenly remembered something. "Sister, how did you know I love beef dumplings?"

Since coming here, he had never told them his favorite was beef dumplings. How did He Shangzhi know?

"Just a guess," He Shangzhi replied casually, not intending to explain further.

Ruan Miao was puzzled. Could she really guess that? Is there such a coincidence in the world?

He Shanglu asked He Shangzhi with a grin, "Sister, then guess what my favorite is?"

"I don't know," He Shangzhi replied dismissively. "Don't talk while eating."

He Shanglu: "..."

Alright, the lowest in the food chain has no right to speak.

After the family finished their meal, Ruan Miao took on the task of washing the dishes. Even when He Shangzhi offered to help, he shooed her away. He felt bad just eating and drinking without contributing.

Busy alone in the kitchen, he didn't find it tiring to wash a few plates and sauce dishes. When he finished and went to the living room, only He Shanglu was there.

Ruan Miao stretched and checked the time. It was already 8 PM. He lazily sat down, turned on the TV, and watched the Spring Festival Gala replayed repeatedly. After a while, he felt drowsy leaning on the sofa.

He vaguely saw someone standing in front of him but couldn't see clearly who it was. The person watched him for a while, then suddenly walked out. Ruan Miao instinctively followed, pushing open the front door to go outside.

Outside should have been the garden, but when Ruan Miao opened the door, it was an unfamiliar place, completely dark, with nothing visible. He could only vaguely see the figure walking quickly ahead.

The back looked familiar, but he couldn't recall.

Following his instinct, Ruan Miao didn't want to go further, but his legs moved on their own, as if pushed forward. He continued with a mix of fear and curiosity, unsure what awaited him.

The person walked endlessly in the darkness without a destination. Ruan Miao tried calling out, but there was no response. The surroundings grew blurry, and he could barely see the path ahead.

He was too scared to keep walking and struggled desperately to stop. Just then, the person who had been walking ahead suddenly turned around.

It was a face identical to Ruan Miao's current one.

Ruan Miao woke up drenched in cold sweat, screaming.

"Possessed?" He Shanglu was patting his face, looking worried. "I've called you so many times, but you didn't respond."

Ruan Miao, covered in cold sweat, stared at him for a long time before regaining his senses. "He Shanglu?"

"Call me brother! Show some respect!" He Shanglu pulled on his face forcefully. "No being impolite."

Ruan Miao, disturbed by this, felt his heart settle down, and his body stopped trembling. Realizing he had been dreaming, he let out a long breath. "I had a nightmare."

"Maybe you're under too much pressure lately?" He Shanglu mused. "I see you studying all the time. You might be overdoing it. Tomorrow, I'll take you out to relax. No books allowed!"

Ruan Miao wanted to refuse, but He Shanglu cut him off, making plans to go out right after breakfast the next morning.

After some more playfulness, He Shangzhi came downstairs to urge them to sleep. Ruan Miao took a hot shower and lay in bed but couldn't fall asleep. His mind kept replaying that strange dream.

No wonder he thought the figure's back looked familiar—it was his own body. But why would he have such a weird dream? Could it really be, as He Shanglu said, due to stress?

However, Ruan Miao felt that he'd been eating well, drinking well, and studying without much difficulty lately. He didn't feel exhausted enough to have nightmares.

Unable to sleep, Ruan Miao got up, went to his desk, and turned on his computer. Since arriving in this world, he had rarely used it, mainly for studying. It was only 9:30 PM, so he decided to watch some shows.

Familiarizing himself with the software, he felt a strange sense of unease but couldn't pinpoint why. He randomly opened a streaming service and started watching a popular web drama.

In the first video, two men quickly embraced and poured their hearts out to each other.

In the second video, three men fought over another man.

In the third video, six men paired off to discuss marriage and family matters.

Ruan Miao: "..."

What is going on with this world?

Refusing to believe it, he opened another streaming service, only to find another group of men quarreling. The most popular shows were all about men in relationships, with only a few heterosexual videos, some of which were lesbian dramas.

Ruan Miao was baffled. He knew he was in a world with a gay storyline, but was the author's setting really that everyone was gay? This was too fantastical!

Ruan Miao, usually focused on his studies, had no time for socializing or entertainment. This shocking revelation hit him hard.

Shutting down his computer, he lay back on his bed with a frightened mind. He should have noticed earlier—when everyone was discussing Jian Fanyu and Yan Yang's relationship without any opposition, he should have realized this world was odd. But he had been too slow to catch on!

As a straight guy, Ruan Miao now felt quite distressed, wondering if there was any hope for heterosexuals in this world.

(TL:Ya'll sorry for not updating... but um i'll keep updating from now on.)