Chapter 48

"Sunday, shall we go watch a movie together?"

Sang Wei cheerfully waved two movie tickets in front of Ruan Miao, warmly inviting him, "It's the latest from my favorite director. It exploded in popularity as soon as it was released. Want to go together?"

"Me?" Ruan Miao was very surprised. It was the first time a girl had invited him to a movie. But he didn't feel that he and Sang Wei were close enough to watch a movie together, and watching a movie seemed too ambiguous. So he politely declined, "I have extra classes on Sunday, so I might not be able to go."

Sang Wei looked at the tickets and smiled, "Oh, come on, just take half a day off. Balancing work and leisure is the right way. The movie will only take three hours at most, it won't delay you for long."

"Besides, I can help you with your studies too. My grades aren't bad, I'm always in the top ten in the year. Just say yes~~~"

Ruan Miao felt a headache as Sang Wei acted coquettishly. He couldn't resist such a bright and pretty girl being so forward with him, and he had thin skin, not knowing how to handle it. Xi You snatched the movie tickets from Sang Wei's hand, rolled his eyes, and disdainfully said, "What's the big deal about watching a movie? Our Miao Miao has important things to do and won't go with you. Besides, don't you have a bunch of backup guys? Just pick one to hang out with."

"Mind your own business." Sang Wei snatched her tickets back and glared at him, "Shorty."

Xi You gritted his teeth and replied, "Venomous white lotus."

Sang Wei angrily turned away, but stubbornly left one of the movie tickets on Ruan Miao's desk. Ruan Miao tried to give it back to her, but she mercilessly threw it back at him.

By lunchtime, Ruan Miao was still pondering over the movie ticket in his hand, thinking about how to clarify things with Sang Wei. Jian Fangyu arrived a little later than usual, five minutes after class had ended.

The weather was gradually warming up, and everyone had changed into spring clothes. Ruan Miao, afraid of the cold, was still wearing a sweater. Jian Fangyu arrived with a cup of milk tea, as it had become his habit to bring Ruan Miao some food every day.

"What are you looking at?" Jian Fangyu asked, noticing Ruan Miao's distracted state. Even the milk tea he brought was ignored. He glanced curiously at the ticket.

Fang Zhi explained, "It's a movie ticket. Sang Wei from our class invited him."

Jian Fangyu paused while inserting the straw into his milk tea, glancing subtly at the pink movie ticket before calmly asking, "A girl asked you out?"

Ruan Miao, now holding a warm cup of milk tea, finally came back to his senses. "Uh... but I don't want to go."

"Why not?" Jian Fangyu asked calmly. "Is the movie not good?"

Ruan Miao shook his head. "I don't know if it's good or not. I like sci-fi movies, and I've heard this director's work is excellent. I'm very interested, but if I go with Sang Wei, people might think we're dating."

Jian Fangyu's eyelashes trembled almost imperceptibly, and a slight smile appeared on his lips. "Even if you were dating someone, Sang Wei wouldn't be a good choice. She has many admirers, and you'll face a lot of trouble."

"Yes." Ruan Miao sighed. "But she is really pretty."

Fang Zhi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think Sang Wei is very beautiful. We always say there are two great beauties in the school, one is Sang Wei, and the other is..." He stopped mid-sentence, remembering something and quickly fell silent.

Ruan Miao was curious. "Who's the other one? Have I seen them?"

Fang Zhi dared not continue, pretending not to hear and burying his head in his food. Ruan Miao understood instantly.

Jian Fangyu was indeed as beautiful as Sang Wei, perhaps even more so, given his exceptional temperament. But he, too, was afraid and didn't dare say it out loud, so he pretended nothing happened.

"Go." Jian Fangyu suddenly spoke. "Since you're interested in the movie, it would be a pity not to see it."

"Huh?" Ruan Miao was confused. "But this is Sang Wei's ticket. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to go, right?"

Jian Fangyu put the small cucumber from his plate into Ruan Miao's bowl and smiled slightly. "There's nothing inappropriate. Besides, I'll go with you. That way, you won't have to worry about offending Sang Wei or people thinking you're dating."

"But what if she finds out?" Ruan Miao hesitated. "Maybe I should just buy my own ticket and go another day."

Jian Fangyu spoke again. "She won't know I'll be there. I happened to buy a ticket for the same day. Do I need to inform her?"

"With me there, you wouldn't have to worry."

Ruan Miao seemed to be swayed. "I'll think about it."

Fang Zhi felt that Jian Fangyu was acting strangely but couldn't pinpoint why. He could only mutter to himself that city people were really peculiar, with layers of schemes more annoying than an onion.

After evening self-study, Ruan Miao took the car home. He Shanglu was already waiting for him in the car. He Shangzhi was reading, and the three of them initially didn't say much. But He Shanglu noticed the movie ticket in Ruan Miao's pencil case and took it out to look at it. "Why didn't you tell me you bought a movie ticket? I was planning to see it too."

"I didn't buy it. Sang Wei invited me." Ruan Miao answered honestly.

He Shanglu immediately became interested, even He Shangzhi looked up, both staring at him as if he were a monkey in a zoo.

"A girl asked you out?" He Shanglu was so surprised he didn't even bother to hide it. "I've heard of Sang Wei. She's a school beauty, a grade lower than us. Many guys in our class like her. Why did she think of inviting you?"

Recalling that night, He Shanglu suddenly understood. "Is she inviting you to repay you?"

"Maybe..." Ruan Miao answered uncertainly.

He Shanglu was excited. "Then you have to go!"

"Why?" Ruan Miao was puzzled. "Didn't you say we're not allowed to date early?"

He Shanglu rolled his eyes. "I said no early dating with guys. Dating girls doesn't count; it's called adolescent exploration!"

Ruan Miao: "..."

"And Sang Wei is so pretty, with a good family background and excellent grades. She can only benefit you, not harm you. You must go." He Shanglu said righteously. "I'll give you advice to ensure your dating success."

Ruan Miao was surprised. "But I've heard you're perpetually single, brother."

"Shut your mouth!" He Shanglu pinched his face. "I'm just too lazy to look!"

He Shangzhi didn't join their conversation, just lowered her head to hide the confusion in her eyes.

In her previous life, there was no incident with Sang Wei. And so far, everything was different from before. Why were there so many different branches on the same tree?

She felt uneasy.

That night, even the busy He Shangye heard about Ruan Miao being invited to a movie by a girl. The whole family, as if they'd never seen the world, sat together staring at the small movie ticket as if it had some magic.

He Shangye rubbed his chin, looking at it for a long time. "I've seen the Sang family's girl from a distance. She's indeed good. If Miao Miao is interested, it's not a bad idea to get to know her. The Sang family had some issues recently, but they still have potential. We have some business connections, so a marriage alliance isn't out of the question."

"Big brother, you're so old-fashioned." He Shanglu snorted. "Why talk about marriage right away? Miao Miao might not end up with her. Who says dating must lead to marriage?"

He Shangye glanced at him. "An arranged marriage is inevitable for you all. Isn't it better to choose someone you like early on rather than settling for anyone later?"

Ruan Miao: "..."

Why did Big Brother suddenly bring up marriage? Besides, what does marriage have to do with him? He was going to be kicked out at eighteen anyway, so he didn't need any of this.

"Get to know her first, Miao Miao. Big Brother will look into it for you," He Shangye decided, exuding the aura of a boss. "If you like her, we'll get engaged first. Whether you get married later is up to you. If you don't like her, you can always call it off."

Seeing how the conversation had reached this point, with He Shangye seemingly ready to talk about having children next, Ruan Miao couldn't hold back any longer. "Big Brother, I don't have any plans with her. I just helped her out last time, and she's thanking me. You don't need to overthink this."

"There's really nothing between us."

He Shangye looked slightly regretful, as if he was disappointed he couldn't arrange Ruan Miao's future.

Ruan Miao, feeling a headache coming on, took the movie ticket and returned to his room. He felt that discussing this with them was pure self-torture. Now they all thought he had something going on with Sang Wei.

When Sunday came, Ruan Miao woke up early with nervous anticipation. After a quick wash and breakfast, He Shanglu hurried him out the door. "You can't be late for a date with a girl!"

Ruan Miao reluctantly took the car to the agreed cinema. Sang Wei was already there, dressed very purely in a beige dress. Her long black hair flowed like a waterfall down her back, and her face was without makeup. She stood there silently, yet still attracted many admiring glances.

"Hi!" She waved cheerfully when she saw Ruan Miao.

As a straight guy, Ruan Miao had no resistance to such a pure-looking girl. He felt so shy he didn't know where to put his hands, forgetting all the lines he had thought of on the way.

"Shall we get some popcorn?" Sang Wei asked softly, then looked at him expectantly. "Do I look good today?"

"You look good," Ruan Miao replied quietly, looking down.

Sang Wei blushed a little from the compliment. "I knew you'd like this style. I even took the time to straighten my curls this morning."

No wonder she looked different from her usual self. Ruan Miao felt even more embarrassed. He bought the popcorn and walked with her into the theater. Sang Wei, very skilled at socializing, maintained just the right distance, making Ruan Miao feel close yet not uncomfortable.

Ruan Miao didn't talk much because Sang Wei was handling most of the conversation. Shortly after they sat down, someone else sat beside them.

Turning his head, Ruan Miao saw Jian Fangyu had somehow come in.

"What a coincidence," Jian Fangyu greeted softly. "Want some milk tea?"

"Yes..." Ruan Miao felt more relaxed upon seeing him, shaking off the daze caused by Sang Wei's presence.

Sang Wei, not expecting him, was initially taken aback and visibly unhappy. But before she could say anything, someone behind them also greeted Ruan Miao.

"Miao Miao!"

Both Ruan Miao and Sang Wei turned around.

In the back row sat Xi You, Xi Li, He Shanglu, He Shangzhi, and Fang Zhi, all looking at them with interest.

Fang Zhi covered his face. "I didn't want to come. Xi You dragged me here..."

He Shanglu excitedly raised his phone, snapping pictures. "You two act natural. Big Brother wants some photos."


Sang Wei's expression finally cracked.