The Spear Hero (2)

'The Spear Hero'

A name that was the pinnacle of fear for the monsters and troops of The Evil One. When they heard it, whether the creature seemed to be a general or not, there was no one who did not recognize the name.

The nightmare of all nightmares.

The first time I met that person was when I was assigned to go look for survivors of the battle in area 71.

At that time, in area 71 there had been a battle against 2 Army Generals from The Evil One.

When I arrived, area 71 had completely turned into an inferno. Hundreds or even close to thousands of corpses from both the Alliance and the Army Generals.

Plus, it was a red eclipse that day. The sky turned red and the sun also became redder and bigger than before.

With that hell-like scene, I saw a figure standing on a pile of corpses with 2 giant corpses at his feet.

A man with white hair with torn clothes and carrying a red spear.