Ancient Dragon Magic

Having Saya around is always a disaster. In fact, this situation is one of the worst possible scenarios. There's nothing I can do. There's no time left. What should I… Ah. Maybe if I call Undine… But, you know, I can't keep bothering her like this. It's hard on her too.

No, I have no choice. I'll have to call her. I don't really want to call the Phoenix… that red bird gives me a bad feeling.

"Did you perhaps call for me? If not, I apologize for interrupting."

Huh? Well, I was about to call you, but…

I haven't actually called you yet. I appreciate the help, though.

"Wait, what's going on here!? How did it end up like this!?"

"Well, you see… Saya…"

"I see… I understand now. You've had a rough time."

Oh, so she can figure it out from just that? Well, I suppose she's been a victim of Saya too. Makes sense. At least I can relax for now.

"Water, be gone."

"Whoa… That's incredible…"