Battle Between Great Spirits

After Xu fell asleep, the two spirits, Undine and Sylph, were overwhelming the golem.

Before the attacks could reach them, they were completely destroyed by her. The spirit, Salamander, was not just standing by watching.

Salamander was leading the other greater spirits.

In other words, assassins were sent after Undine and Sylph.

"Finally... is this it?"

"It took surprisingly long, huh?"

"Yeah. I think it's about time we wake Xu up."

"Well, two hours have passed, so I can't blame her for saying that's way too long."

"I think she's just sleeping normally. She looked really worn out, so I doubt she'll wake up easily."

The two of them were discussing this after finishing the battle.

They were feeling optimistic.

"...Huh. Cocytus, Carbuncle... I didn't expect you guys to make your move."

"Neither did I. So, what are you here for?"

"Don't you have a good idea of what it is?"