Where did he go?!

   The fleet was immediately thrown into a frenzy, with each officer trying desperately to escape the terrible fate about to befall them.


   Their flight became a lot more erratic, with the jets crashing recklessly into one another, the reaction causing another cataclysmic chain of explosions.

   However, all their efforts were useless, and even the defensive bubbles over their aircrafts were rendered helpless before the giant, reaping claws.

   They were mercilessly torn apart, a large majority of them instantly falling victim to the attack.


   'That's more like it.' Alex thought, retreating his claws back within an instant. 

   From the moment the set his eyes upon the fleet, he could already tell that would be the perfect subjects to try out his new skill.

   And to his surprise, it was a lot more powerful than he had expected.