He Isn't Sleeping Anymore

Alpha Dahmer remained at the dining table, but his appetite turned sour when king Lennox approached the table with Esmeray. Her demure stance beside the king sparked a flash of irritation in his eyes, whilst his cutlery bore the brunt of his silent rage.

'Why is she with the king?' he wondered, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He shot a swift glance at his mother, who revealed her disbelief at seeing Esmeray.

She clearly hadn't expected Esme to defy her order to stay in her chambers. What's even worse, she dared to appear with the king!

'Is she mad?' thought Luna Percy with a hint of fury.

The dining hall buzzed with the therondia pack warriors and the king's entourage, who had gathered around several regular tables. The daughter of the late Alpha, who had always been absent from these gatherings, now stood side by side with the king himself. Everyone's curiosity was even more piqued when the king's demeanor betrayed no sign of displeasure or disapproval at Esme's trimmed hair, despite being aware of her family's tradition.

It was an intriguing development that sparked whispers among the pack warriors and servants.

Alpha Dahmer pushed his chair back as he rose to his feet, his eyes darting between Esmeray and the King. "Your Majesty, she's here with you?" his tone was laced with a hint of curiosity and suspicion, and the king nodded affably.

"Yes. I must share some news with everyone present. Esmeray, please, join me." He called out to her, his gaze drifting to where she remained rooted. Questions lingered on his eyebrow, because he could sense her hesitation. It made him wonder if she was nervous because of him.

But in truth, it was far from that.

Esme had always been plagued by a deep seated fear of crowds, a phobia that had tormented her since she was a child. The recollection of mocking faces, disdainful looks, and the overwhelming closeness of others still sent chills down her spine.

Every lingering stare she felt made her anxiety soar, causing her to clutch her dress with clammy hands. She dreaded what she might see if she lifted her head; it felt as though the air itself was charged with menace, trapping her in a living nightmare. She wanted to escape to the safety of her chambers, away from their eyes, but she was stopped by the king's voice cutting through her terror.

"Esmeray." King Lennox's hand stretched out, a gentle yet insistent gesture, urging her to take it. With a sense of resignation, she surrendered her small hand to his, and she felt a subtle, yet reassuring pressure as he enveloped it in his own. His gaze swept the dining hall, drawing in even the discrete Finnian, who lingered at the periphery. He watched the drama unfold from where he hid, wondering if everyone was out to conspire against his sister again.

The king finally began, his tone measured as he said. "I have two reasons for coming here, and I'll start with the first. I, King Lennox of Illyria, have come to propose a union, a bond that will strengthen the ties between our families. To seal this alliance, I intend to take Lady Esmeray here as my queen, and I plan to take her with me to the palace once my stay in your pack is over." he declared, and the hall instantly fell into a tense silence, a reaction he had not fully expected.

Finnian's pupils dilated. Alpha Dahmer's mouth hung agape, and even Esme was beyond stupefied after listening to king Lennox's announcement. Alpha Rhyne's eyes blazed with indignation as he rose to his feet, and Luna Percy was rendered speechless.

The king wants to marry Esme?

The gasps and whispers that followed next expressed everyone's awe, disbelief and their surprise.

"Esmeray," the king's warm gaze settled on Esmeray, taking in her bewilderment, and he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "This may come as a surprise to you, but our fathers had planned this union before their passing, and I had agreed to it. If you accept my proposal, you'll accompany me to the palace, and become my Queen." He explained, and he watched as her pupil's expanded. Her eyes instinctively darted to Finnian, who raised an eyebrow, his smirk implying that she should be thrilled with the offer. If she agrees, she would finally be able to—

"Your Majesty," Alpha Dahmer immediately intervened, his smile a veiled attempt to conceal his true feelings. "This is too sudden of a news, and it must have taken my sister by surprise. She'll need time to consider the implications and—"

But Esme cut him off, her voice barely above a whisper as she gave her answer. "Yes, I'll… I'll go with you… to the palace. I…I accept your proposal." she stammered on her response, her heart racing from the anticipation skittering through her at the moment. She dared not shift her eyes to Dahmer, afraid of what she'd see there. This was her final opportunity to escape the nightmare of her life and be free from Dahmer's clutches, and she was determined to seize it at all cost.

Lennox was taken aback by her quick approval, a questioning look in his eyes, but he did not ask what was in his mind and smiled instead. "It's settled then." What followed was an applause that made her flinch right into Lennox's arms, and she found herself in his embrace, her blue eyes staring into his mesmerizing amber ones.

It felt warm, like him.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, and Esme felt a blush creep onto her cheek. She pulled away from him and nodded, keeping her gaze low. Her cheeks felt warmer than usual, and her heart won't stop racing.

King Lennox turned to Alpha Dahmer who walked towards them, and he bowed his head as a sign of respect. "If my sister doesn't have a problem with it, then why should any of us have a problem with such wonderful news. Congratulations, your Majesty, and you too, Esmeray." He patted her gently on the head, making her wish to recoil from his touch.

Everyone stepped forward to offer their congratulations to the both of them, and Alpha Dahmer even went ahead to throw a celebration. The announcement would be made public tomorrow, as ordered by King Lennox, and when everyone finally settled down, he turned his attention to Dahmer.

"There's something else I'd like to discuss with you." He said, "it is my second reason but I'd rather we have this conversation in private. Shall we head to your study?" He asked, and Dahmer casted a fleeting glance at Esme before nodding his head.

With a gallant gesture, King Lennox raised Esme's hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Their eyes locked, and he was satisfied with how flustered she looked. "I'll be seeing you around." he whispered with a smile, then he released her hand and left the dining hall with Dahmer.

Esme retired to her room without a second thought.

"What did you say happened, Lord Finnian? The king proposed to Milady?" Vivienne's eyes sparkled with excitement, her voice trembling with anticipation, and Finnian's nod was all the confirmation she needed before she burst into a torrent of words. "Oh, isn't it wonderful? Milady will be the Queen of Illyria! And his Majesty is such a kind soul, I'm certain he will treat her like royalty!" As Vivienne's chatter filled the air, Esme sat frozen on her bed, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Her hands won't stop trembling, as if the very fabric of her being was still reeling from the shock. She struggled to regain composure, to rationalize the event that had transpired, but her mind kept circling back to the king's words. An alliance that was formed long ago by their fathers had now come to fruition in this unexpected proposal.

Yet, a niggling doubt persisted; was she foolish to have accepted this offer without questioning its true intent?

What qualities did king Lennox see in her that made him propose a marriage? It may have been an arranged alliance, but he could have opted out if he desired. So, why did he decide to marry her when there were other numerous potential brides to choose from? Additionally, what was his secondary motive for coming over?

Esme snapped out of her thought when she felt Finnian's palm on her forehead. He was observing her with creased brows, his worry evident.

"Are you scared?"

His question threw her off-guard.


"You're scared," he sat at the edge of the bed, his eyes filled with empathy. "It's okay to be scared, especially after what brother Dahmer and Mother have put you through. But you need to know that you're safe now that the king is here. If they try to harm you in any way, I'll make sure the king knows. And I'm not the only one who'll stand up for you," he added, glancing at Vivienne who nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Yes, Milady!" Vivienne chimed in with conviction. "If they so much as lay a hand on our lady, we'll report it to the king himself! You're the future Queen of Illyria, and they wouldn't dare jeopardize the alliance. Milady is so lucky, and now I feel grateful that Alpha Rhyne rejected you! Every disappointment is certainly a blessing in disguise!"

"You two really know how to lift my spirit, don't you?" Esme didn't want to cry, but without them, she was extremely sure she would have lost her senses. "Thank you."

"Milady deserves all the happiness in the world!" Vivienne grinned, her excitement brimming. "And I'll get to be a part of it, I've always wondered what the palace looks like on the inside…."

"What is your problem? You're acting like you're the one tying the knot." Finnian muttered in annoyance, his judging stare capable of making Vivienne burst into tears, but today, she was too caught up in her own excitement to be bothered about Finnian's teasing.

Esme couldn't help but laugh, a smile spreading across her face. Maybe things are really turning out for the better.


"H-he what??" Dahmer's eyes bulged in horror as the king's words hung in the air like a dark prophecy. "H-how is that… is he free?" he stammered, trying to process the unthinkable.

"He's broken free." King Lennox stated gravely, his expression stern. "The powers sealed within the fortress have been breached, and I fear the worst. I received a dying report from one of the guardians. He was spared on purpose, I believe. We have to visit the black river and grasp the full extent of what we're dealing with here."

"B-but, didn't the sorcerer who imprisoned him say the spell would never break?" Dahmer's voice was laced with skepticism. "It has been that way for fifteen whole years, your Majesty. What could have changed?"

"The spell was designed to put him to sleep forever, but either fate or human intervention had awakened him from his long slumber." King Lennox dropped. "What matters is that he isn't sleeping any more, and I feel a storm brewing."

His gaze darted to the window, and they settled on a black crow perched on a tree branch.