Down Her Throat

"Milady," Leonardo's polite tone broke the spell that had held Esme transfixed, and she instinctively turned to face him. Her gaze was still clouded by the unsettling sensation that lingered, and Leonardo offered a courteous bow.

He conveyed the king's instructions. "His Majesty has commanded that I escort you to the inn, where you may take rest for the night." He said, but Esme's mind was still reeling from the dark presence she had sensed, her thoughts were far from the appealing comfort of a warm bed.

"Did you see someone walk past me just now?" She asked Leonardo, her voice laced with uncertainty, but the shake of his head only deepened her confusion. It was as if she was the only one who felt that icy presence, and its swift disappearance left her questioning her own sanity.

Her senses weren't as sharp as a shifter's keen sense of vigilance, so it was absurd to think she'd detect a threat in the faces of everyone. It had to be a trick of her mind. The idea that someone could vanish into thin air like that was laughable. She must have imagined the whole thing.

"Is everything okay, Milady?" Leonardo's perceptive gaze picked up on her unease, but Esme masked it up with a reassuring smile and a gentle headshake. Just then, King Lennox excused himself and made his way towards her.

"There's an inn nearby," he indicated with his hand, pointing at the modest-looking inn behind her. "We'll rest for the night and visit the fortress at dawn. I have something important to ask these men, so you should go ahead and get settled. Leonardo will be there to assist you if you need anything." He assured her, and Esme was grateful for his consideration regarding her well-being.

"Okay. Be safe." she replied.

Retrieving her well-stocked bag from the carriage, Esme trailed behind Leonardo into the inn. Inside, her eyes adjusted to the warm, inviting atmosphere, and this would be her first time staying in an inn. The wooden beams overhead, a crackling fireplace in the corner, and a few rustic chairs scattered about, were occupied by travelers enjoying hearty meals. When a few eyes flicked in her direction, Esme lowered her head and stayed close to Leonardo.

They approached the innkeeper, who stood behind the front desk, and Leonardo mentioned the king's prior arrangements before requesting the keys to Esme room. The middle-aged innkeeper promptly gave the key, and Esme accompanied them up the stairs, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet hallway.

The upper floor was a noticeable step up compared to the rusticity of the ground level, with polished woods and tidied arrangements. Esme suspected that this wouldn't be the king's first time spending time in an inn, because the innkeeper seemed to be well-acquainted with the king.

The innkeeper stopped in front of her room door and bowed his head as a gesture of respect. "If you require anything, Milady, please don't hesitate to ask." With that, he took his leave. Esme glanced at the king's advisor who also lowered his head, and though his expression had been indifferent and uncanny, his tone was warm.

"His Majesty has arranged for separate rooms, so please don't wait up for him. You must be tired, so get some rest," he advised. "Is there anything else I can assist you with?" he asked, but Esme shook her head, already thankful for Leonardo's safe escort to her room.

Stepping into the room and closing the door, Esme was pleasantly surprised by the spaciousness of her room. Her initial expectation was a small, cozy space, but now it was replaced with a sense of luxury. It even rivaled the size of her own back at the mansion.

There was a neatly made bed, a wooden dresser, and a window that offered the town's view. The warm glow of a lantern casted a gentle light over the room, giving it a welcoming ambiance, and Esme began by indulging in a relaxing bath.

Afterwards, she dried her hair with a towel, slipping into her silky blue nightgown. She paused and stared at her own reflection in the mirror, and a hint of fatigue lingered on her eyebrows. If she were to be honest, her hair doesn't even look as bad as she had imagined.

The sudden knock at the door halted her in her moment of observation, and she froze. Thinking it might be the king or Leonardo returning, Esme went to open the door for them, but, however, her eyes widened in alarm when she found Dahmer standing before her. Without thinking, she tried to slam the door shut, but Dahmer was too quick, catching it with one hand and forcing his way into her room.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Go away!" Esme tried to shout, but she was no match for Dahmer's strength. He pushed her onto the bed when she wouldn't quit her attempts to chase him out, and his eyes glinted with a sinister intent.

He closed the door, locking it from the inside, and Esme's eyes trailed him warily. His hands slipped into his pockets, and he began to stalk towards her, eyes cold and revealing his Alpha side. Esme scrambled to the edge to maintain a safe distance from him, but Dahmer's pace quickened, and before she could react, his hands clamped around her throat like a vice.

It was a threat she had seen coming, yet could not avoid.

"Did you truly believe that I'd let you slip away just because the king has claimed you as his own?" he laughed mockingly, relishing in her naivety. "Esme, you really don't understand the meaning of being under my control. Marriage to the king won't change a thing. You'll do my bidding, no matter how distasteful, and you'll do it with a smile." He relaxed his grip on her throat, withdrawing his hand with a sinister slowness.

Esme's heart raced when he took out a small pill from his pocket and held it out to her. "Take it," he ordered, his tone firm and unyielding. "Swallow it down."

"Just let me be!"

"Don't make me repeat myself." Dahmer's voice rose slightly at her disobedience, her plea met with a silent warning. His hand remained outstretched, the pill between his fingers, and her eyes welled up with tears. Fear and uncertainty flickered in her gaze, betraying her attempt to appear brave.

"What… what are you going to do to me?"

Alpha Dahmer's smile was cruel. "Take the pill and find out."

"I'll… I'll tell the king if you try anything out of line." Esme found the voice within her, hoping that would dispel his attempts to frighten her, but her heart skipped a beat as his smile stretched, his eyes glinting with pure malice.

"If you breathe a word to anyone about this, that maid of yours, Vivienne right? Her life is forfeit," he threatened, and Esme's face paled rapidly. "Take the pill, Esme. Don't argue." he coaxed, his tone dripping with false sympathy, and a single tear rolled down her cheeks.

"What will the pill do to me?"

Dahmer's patience wore thin at her infuriating persistence. "Just take it, Esme," he growled, grabbing her jaw and forcing the pill into her mouth. He thrust a glass of water to her as she began to cough, but when she refused to take it, he forced her to drink it, making sure she emptied the cup.

"Ah, that's better." He sneered, his smile twisted and cruel. For some reason, Esme felt her strength ebbing away, her vision blurring as the pill took effect almost immediately.

Through her blurry gaze, she could see Dahmer unbuckling his belt.