Visiting The Graveyard

Days passed, and true to his words, Esme never met with Donovan. It was frustrating having no one she could open up to during these trying times, and so she kept herself occupied with her etiquette lessons and brewing more poison like a witch.

In the afternoon, Esme and Finnian visited the memorial ground, a solemn graveyard where many shifters lay at rest, including Vivienne. Finnian had been unconscious during the burials, so this was his first time seeing the final resting place of his pack.

As the royal carriage came to a halt, Esme and Finnian stepped out, their footsteps quiet on the gravel path. They entered through the iron gate, which was adorned with rusty hinges and overgrown vines.

Finnian's expression faltered as he strolled by, his somber gaze taking in the rows of weathered gravestones. Each one bore the names of those who had passed, and the silence was palpable, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.