The Key To Ending All Of This


Lennox stormed back into the palace alongside Dahmer, fury radiating from him in waves. His fists clenched as he resisted the urge to punch something, anything, and his frustration was palpable in the air.

Everything had been going according to plan – Donovan was precisely where he needed him. Yet, somehow, he had slipped through his grasps once more.

The moment itself was still a blur to Lennox. One second, he had control; the next, his entire body had seized, immobilized as if he had been turned into stone. He stood there, helpless, feeling like a living statue. And then, a presence appeared – an unfamiliar energy that made his skin crawl. He couldn't place who or what it was that intervened, but the spell that was put on him lingered long enough for his guards to find him. His guards had moved swiftly, forming a protective barrier around him to ensure no other demon shifter could take advantage of his vulnerable state.