Finish What He Started


Donovan's unexpected arrival at Irwin's home came as a shock to the couple, who hadn't anticipated his return that evening.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, he sensed the fragile state of Irwin's deteriorating health, the air thick with the weight of his illness.

Irwin lay propped against the window, his frail frame illuminated by the soft light streaming in.

A faint smile tugged at his lips as Donovan approached, though it was clear the effort cost him. His wife, ever attentive and gentle of his health, helped him sit up, her hands trembling slightly as she supported him.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again," Irwin's voice, though warm and welcoming, carried the unmistakable rasp of weakness. "What brings you here on such a pleasant visit."

Donovan could sense the frailty in his voice. He felt empathy for Irwin, after all, this man had saved his brother from the same fate now looming over him.