Kill Them All

Donovan had never truly seen the written alphabet, but he had learned to understand the shapes of the letters through tactile means and guided practice.

Kangee always assisted him by interpreting the shapes for him whenever confusion arose. At the moment, however, Donovan had little patience to contemplate how he had gained his vision.

Although he couldn't read the letters in the conventional way, he was able to trace the familiar outlines and patterns with his mind, forming a connection to Esme.

What made this recognition more profound was the fact that he himself had scrawled them– no other hand but his own. But then, why had he written Esme's name?

He struggled to recall any such moments within the times he spent in the dungeon, but he couldn't remember this exact scene. Was this a product of manipulation? It had to be; there was no other explanation, and Donovan could never harbor hatred for Esme.