Chapter 102 - A strand of their Hairs

"I know this might sound crazy, but Bella is Lara," he dropped a bombshell, making Mike fall off his chair from the other end.

"What?!" Mike screamed out loud from the other end. "Lue, I know you miss her, but please don't go jumping to conclusions," he stated, his voice stern.

"She behaves exactly like her, has the same likes and dislikes, is allergic to shrimps, and loves chocolate. And she had an accident that wiped off her memory at Southside, thinking back to her file, it was the same date." Lucas ranted off, his free hand running through his hair.

"Lue, calm down. Come over and let's go over this" Mike said, knowing that they were not going to get anywhere through the phone.

Mike lived in the same neighborhood, just that it was at another end, but that wasn't a problem as Lucas ran to his house in less than 10 minutes.