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chapter 5

Training went well apart from the oxer jumping obstacle which I still find a little problematic , I know I shouldn't find peace in the fact that Hendrix is also having a hard time with the oxer obstacle but… what can I say? if he can't do it perfectly and I also can't do it perfectly, he won't be able to rub it in my face. I just have to try hard to beat him to mastering it before the competition next week.

Apart from a few teasing from Hendrix, he hasn't said anything about Kai. I don't know if it's because Kenneth was around,which I doubt , and he's waiting for Kenneth to leave before he talks about it, or he doesn't know about it yet, because Hendrix would not pass a chance to tease me no matter who was around.

After says my goodbyes to Kenneth who won't be staying for dinner and luckily not seeing Hendrix around, he's probably with Scott.

I spot my two guards Billvard and Milford, waiting at the entrance on my way into the manor, I literally forgot about them. I give the a small small as they bow even though I've told them countless times not to.They escort me to my room to freshen up and change before I head to the kitchen.

I tell them to leave because I'll be going to the kitchen and they don't need to come with me when we got to the door, surprisingly they just bowed again, and left.

I try my best to avoid Hendrix and secretly sneak to the kitchen to do my work after changing into the dress kyrah picked out for me. A simple pink dress because I don't know what exactly I'll be helping with in the Kitchen.

Just when I was almost at the kitchen door I bump into someone because I was watching my back one last time just to be sure Hendrix didn't follow.

"Well, well look who we have here"

I roll my eyes so hard I'm surprised it didn't fall of.

"Are you stalking me dear Hendrix "

"You wish, no one would waste they're time stalking you dear peroni there's nothing interesting about you to learn ,which there isn't "

"Have you ever said anything sensible with that ugly mouth of yours or you just love hearing your horrible voice, make horrible noise"

"So much words from someone who is working at the kitchen because she couldn't keep her secret relationship secret, naïve little girl "

Oh so he knows, which means at least the Lockwood family knows.

"How did you find out about that"

"Oh just over heard our moms talking about it, what can I say, I'm surprised you even have the heart to care about someone other than yourself "

"Says someone who's heart is full of darkness, I guess I take after you"

"Haha funny "

" If your done taunting me thinking you've achieved something, get out of my way "

"Oh so sorry your majesty "

He gives a dramatic bow and moves away.

"Next time asks the experts to give you tips on how to keep a secret relationship secret "

He says on his way out probably to change in Scott's room and do whatever boys do whiles waiting for dinner.

"And I guess this "experts" is your sorry ass"

"Hey! Language "

He says with that stupid smirk of his, clearly enjoying getting under my skin. No matter how I convince myself that I'm not letting words get to me, it is.

I wait till he takes the next Conner before I take in a deep breath to calm my nerves and head into the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen I realize I haven't entered the kitchen before, mostly because am always occupied with something and coming to the kitchen will only be me getting in the way of the workers .

The kitchen is the busiest place in this manor, and also the hottest, I guess that's why all the windows are open. The heat from the fire is unbearable, how do they survive this .

I saying my greetings to the cooks in the kitchen, there are five cooks here and aunt Alice the head maid who is in charge of supervising everything from food to clothes,is no where to be found.

There's another elderly woman, who I'm sure is the head cook and a blond hair boy with hazel eyes who's about my age chopping vegetables, a black hair boy with green eyes doing something near the fire and two other girls, both with black hair, one with brown eyes and the other with black eyes who are making bread. All of them prepare for dinner.

But spot kyrah in the back and head to her to ask for Aunt Alice since she's the one assigned to give me the work to do even though the head cook is here, and what she was doing in the kitchen.


" my lady"

" what are you doing here in the kitchen "

"I help out in the kitchen when I have time"


I spot her looking at the blond haired boy longingly, and keep it to my self for now, we'll talk about that later when she comes to help me change for bed tonight.

"Do you have any idea where aunt Alice is"

"No, but she said to tell you to talk with the head cook about what you would be assigned to do" makes sense.

"Okay, thank you kyrah"

" it's a pleasure my lady"

I then head to the head cook.

"Hello, please I was asked to come to you in regards to my punishment."

"Hello, my lady, you can call me aunt margarita. The blond one over there is jack"

"Hi jack"

"Hello my lady" he says with a small smile unlike benson who was just beaming.

"I'm Sarah and this is my sister Maybel my lady " they both bow, I've never received this much bows at a time in the manor.

" Nice to meet you Sarah and Maybel"

"Why don't start slow by helping with Jack chop the vegetables"


I go over to Jacks table and he hands me a knife to start chopping the vegetables. He demonstrates how I'm to chop them and I try my best mimic it, but fail.

" Don't worry you're doing good"

"I look over at the vegetables he has chopped and what was infront of me and knew I wasn't doing good I was doing bad actually "

"Okay maybe just a little good, at least you haven't chopped of your fingers, that's a good sign"

He says when he notices me comparing mine to his.

"I guess "

I didn't know onions could make you cry, I found out the hard way and my back hurts from standing for too long. At this rate I'm not helping but rather causing problems for the cooks and also straining myself.

"You'll get used to it"


"The back ache"

"I hope so, and the onions"

I say with tears in my eyes.

" that too, eventually just leave the onions to me for today and chop the other vegetables "

" you're a life saver, thank you" , he gave me another small smile and got back to chopping the vegetables.

After hours of chopping and crying , Benson comes for the vegetables to add to whatever was in the pot on the fire.

To his credit he didn't say anything about my horrible chopped vegetables. I take a seat to rest my muscles before helping kyrah with washing the utensils and dishes.

" You must give me one of those lovely massages to night before I go to bed else I don't think I would be able to even get out of bed tomorrow "

"Okay my lady, you did well today" she says with a small smile.

"I doubt that, did you see the vegetables I chopped " she gives me another smile in return.

After washing the dishes and utensils and also help clean the kitchen, aunt margarita tells me I could leave but I insisted on helping them set the table even though I was tired and ate dinner with them in the kitchen instead.

Was glad Hendrix wasn't around to see me setting the table. He would have made a big deal out of it.

After dinner in the kitchen and having small talks and aunt margarita telling us stories about mystical creatures, I say good night to the cooks and head to my room with Billvard and Milford.

"Did you boys get to eat yet"

"Not yet my lady"

"Don't tell me you haven't because you had to wait till I left the kitchen"

" yes my lady"

"Next time just join us in the kitchen"

"Okay my lady"

We finally get to my room, and when I enter I find mother sitting on the bed waiting for me. I guess the massage would have to wait…..