Saving Her

"Men are not to be trusted," 

Speechless, inspiring, it took him a brief moment to register these words before rising from the log accompanied with a heartless statement.

"If you hold no faith in me then this binding of ours is meaningless,"


With tears brimming, she realized what she ended up speaking but it was too late to redeem.

"Zephyr, I didn't mean it like this, I-I trust you. I was only-" 

"I don't intend to extend this conversation further, Lady. Take rest, I will watch out for the beasts." He cut her off strictly.

Swallowing all his emotions that blazed a box of emotions he never knew existed in him.

"Zephyr, please, listen-"

"Azura, I don't want to say something I might regret. Go to sleep,"


"Will it kill you if you can just do one thing, Azura, one fucking thing I say without questioning?" He growled, glaring at her to stop.
