'And carrying that endless fondness, fifteen years passed in a blink of an eye for me, the most beautiful, the most everlasting years of my life with our four sons,'
Life had reached a mesmerizing point for Zirkos, as if the moment he never perceived to receive- the moment of love- had been written in his fate.
"I love you so much, Daisy Sheria, you have revived a soul in me,"
Placing a kiss on her lips, his fingers moved across her face tenderly, in their moment, creating an in-depth moment where he was lost in his woman.
"Don't place me so above, My Lord,"
Giggling, her hand trailed over his chest, buttoning his robe, placing the fur cape over his shoulders to complete his dominant form.
The couple exchanged a feeble smile, Zirkos' fingers caressing Daisy as his most cherished possession which she no doubt was.
The most profound source of veneration, a shore of his emptiness, a medicine to his malady. He needed her.