The Dawn of Dystopia 2

"Looks like we're just in time," Lena said, glancing at the clock on the wall.

Aiden took a seat at a desk near the front, his mind still lingering on the statues outside. He thought about the legends they represented and the stories they might reveal. 

Meanwhile, the door at the front of the classroom opened, and a tall, poised woman with a commanding presence entered. Her attire was a mix of traditional academic robes and modern practical wear, hinting at her role as both a scholar and a guide to the past.

"Good afternoon, everyone," she began, her voice carrying a hint of authority and warmth. "I'm Professor Elara, and I'll be your history instructor for this semester."

She moved to the front of the room and placed her tablet on the desk, which flickered to life with a series of historical images and maps. "I know many of you are wondering why history has only been added this semester. The academy wanted to ensure that you first gained a solid foundation in practical skills and survival strategies, which are crucial given the current state of our world. Now that you've had that grounding, we'll delve into understanding the past, which will help us better navigate our present and future."

Professor Elara glanced around the room, her eyes landing on various students. "But before we dive in, let's get to know each other a little better. Please, introduce yourselves."

One by one, the students introduced themselves, and Aiden, Lena, and Mark shared their names and a brief background. When it was Aiden's turn, he stood and said, "I'm Aiden, and I'm looking forward to learning more about our history."

"Thank you, Aiden," Professor Elara said with a nod. "It's important to understand where we come from to fully grasp where we're headed."

She began her lecture by calling up a series of images on the screen behind her. "Today, we're focusing on the period before the invasion of Earth, a time rich with both triumph and tragedy. We'll start with some notable figures from the past."

Professor Elara projected an image of a valiant warrior, her tone respectful as she spoke. "Let's begin with the legendary defenders of old—warriors who stood against early threats to our world. These figures, whether mythical or historical, have inspired countless generations."

Next, she switched to a more sombre image—a faded portrait of a man with a funny looking moustache. "We also need to remember the villains of the past. For instance, Adolf Butler, a notorious figure who caused immense suffering and loss of life. Understanding such dark chapters helps us navigate our life, and learning from mistakes of the past."

The presentation then shifted to a historical figure known for his intellectual contributions. "We can't overlook the contributions of great minds like Al-Khwarizmi, whose work on algebra laid foundational principles still used today. Such intellectuals shaped our understanding of the world and our approach to problem-solving."

Professor Elara's expression became more contemplative as she continued, "When we compare how societies were ruled in the past with how they are governed now, we see both striking similarities and profound differences."

"In ancient times, societies were often governed by monarchs or military leaders, with power concentrated in the hands of a few elite figures. "

"These rulers made decisions that affected the entire population, and their authority was often absolute, enforced by military might. This system created a rigid social hierarchy, where power was held by those at the top and the majority of people had little say in their governance."

"Today, while the form of governance has changed, some underlying principles remain. The structures of power have shifted from individual rulers to more complex systems involving various factions and institutions."

"For instance, in our current society, we have the Magic Tower, a pivotal institution for all things magical. It serves as the headquarters for magic users, where they can buy and sell spell books, magical artifacts, and other enchanted items."

"The Magic Tower is led by Magnus Novachrono, the wielder of the Nine-Star Magic Wand, which is said to be the most potent magical artifact known. Magnus, as a member of the Catastrophe, the highest echelons of power, wields considerable influence over both magical and non-magical affairs." 

"Additionally, our current society features guilds that offer another layer of governance and organization. These guilds are open to both magic users and non-magic users, though they are primarily aimed at non-magical talents. There are different ranks of guilds—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Platinum guilds, which accept only the most exceptional talents, are particularly prestigious."

"Each year, only five students are selected to join these elite guilds, and being a part of one guarantees a prosperous future. The upcoming tournament will be a prime opportunity for you to showcase your skills and potentially catch the attention of these top-tier guilds, as they scout for new talent."

"When it comes to governance, the contrast between the past and present is even more pronounced. Historically, there were numerous countries with a myriad of different laws and governing systems."

"However, the advent of supernatural occurrences and the subsequent global crises led to the merging of nations into a single unified government, known simply as the Dystopia. This central authority has replaced the fragmented, disparate governments of the past with a singular, cohesive ruling body."

"In this new world order, the regulation of magical and aura powers—often referred to as the abilities of warriors and swordsmen—is strictly controlled. Users of these powers are either recruited into the military or monitored closely by government agencies to ensure that their abilities are used in accordance with national interests."

"The government named as The Council, now led by the Catastrophes, consists of the most powerful individuals who have achieved either an eight star circle magic spell, or reached the . Magnus Novachrono, as a prominent member of this elite group, exemplifies the blend of authority and capability that governs our society today."

"The shift from a multitude of independent governments to a single, unified authority reflects both the need for order and the complexities of our current world. The legacy of past rulers still lingers, but our modern system has adapted to address the unique challenges we face."

"As Professor Elara concluded her overview, the students listened attentively, their minds processing the depth of change from historical to contemporary governance. The knowledge of how power and society have evolved provided them with a clearer perspective on their current environment and the opportunities before them."

"Now do any of you have any questions ask, feel free" said Professor Elara with a smile on her face.

"Professor Elara, you spoke about aura powers and magical powers. How can we be able to tell whether we have affinity to any of those" said a student near the middle of the lecture room.

"Good Question, well what you guy's have been taught was the basic of magic principles to lay a foundation. Most can use magic, however they can only use the basic elements to a very low level such as the first circle. They could only be considered magic users if they have an affinity towards an element. " said Elara, as she continued " As you guys also know, that you were also taught combat training and were given a weapon of your choice."

"This is all to lay a foundation for you. In the next semester, your talent will be further analysed using a talent orb. The talent orb will determine what magic affinity you have, if you have it towards the basic elements, such as Fire, Wood, Water, Earth, or whether you have it towards an intermediate elements such as Lightning, Ice or even more advanced elements. That is if you have magic affinity" said Elara.

"If you don't have magic affinity don't be upset. As you will be given training on how to use aura, one of the strongest people in the world currently is a swordsman so don't think that aura users aren't strong. You just have to put the work in." said Elara as she stared at the nervous students.

"Even though you will still need to have talent towards the weapon you will use, and you will also need to have talent for increasing your body strength, agility and so on." she thought, but didn't voice out to not make the students lose hope this early on in their journey.

After answering a few more questions from the students, Elara decided to conclude today's lecture to avoid overwhelming them with too much information.

"Alright students, today's lesson has been concluded. I wish you had fun and it wasn't too boring for you." said Elara as she packed up her stuff to leave the lecture room.

As Elara was leaving, Aiden , Mark and Lena with a few other students were talking about what they want to become, whether it is aura user or a magic user.

"Aiden, you are blessed man. You definitely have talent for magic with that invention of yours and your talent is definitely amazing." said a student near their group, with a helpless look on his face as he thought he would have no talent.

"Well I hope you are right, because I think it was just a fluke" said Aiden, somewhat truthful, as he knew that it was the limitless eyes that helped him make a 5 connection point circle and not his talent. 

Aiden wasn't too concerned about it, partly because he cannot change it currently and mainly because he had a hunch that the system will be able to help him gain talent for elements when it upgrades.