Brick by Brick

As entered Star Café through the large main entrance ,Aiden made eye contact with a person leaving. He looked familiar, but he wasn't sure until he saw who was following him.

It was Darius Kane, Rex Sullivan and his goons. 

A flicker of recognition. The moment stretched between them, charged with an unspoken tension. Aiden couldn't place the familiarity he felt when he looked at those cold eyes. There was something about the his gaze that felt unsettling, as if he'd been seen through.

"He is very strong.. definitely stronger than me." thought Aiden, as Darius and his goons passed by.

Shaking off the odd feeling, Aiden continued on his way, but the encounter left a mark on his ego. I am so weak, he thought, how can he be so much stronger than me when I've been working just as hard, or even harder? Even with the help of the system, I don't think I can beat him yet.

"I need to work harder. Let's hope the system's upgrade will help as well" Said Aiden, as he acted like nothing happened In front of Lila and the others.

Darius had pitch-black hair that was slicked back, giving him a sharp and polished look. His chiselled face, high cheekbones and strong jawline were the kind that could make heads turn and hearts skip a beat.

He was tall, exuding an aura of power and confidence that seemed to draw people in effortlessly. His strikingly handsome features were complemented by a pair of piercing emerald green eyes that hinted at intelligence and depth.

Dressed impeccably, Darius carried himself with the grace and poise of someone who came from a distinguished background. He was, in many ways, the epitome of the golden child—successful, charismatic, and admired by many.

Like Aiden, he was one of the five uncrowned kings of their first year, a title given to those who stood out not just for their looks and charm, but also for their exceptional talents and potential.

As he shook his head to dispel his chaotic thoughts about the previous encounter, he turned his attention to admiring the design of the café.

The Star Café was a marvel in its own right, a towering 34-floor building that housed not just a café but a variety of restaurants, entertainment venues, and lounges.

Despite its humble name, it was a bustling hub of activity and a favourite gathering spot for students and faculty alike. The group entered through the grand, ornate doors, immediately greeted by the hum of conversation and the clinking of glassware.

They made their way to the elevators, which were sleek and futuristic, with glass walls offering a panoramic view of the city as they ascended. The ride up to the 30th floor was swift, almost instantaneous, and the view was breathtaking, the sprawling Academy cityscape bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun.

As the elevator doors opened, they stepped out into a sophisticated and elegantly decorated space. The 30th floor of the Star Café was an upscale dining area, with plush seating, ambient lighting, and large windows that provided a stunning view of the city below.

The atmosphere was refined yet relaxed, with patrons enjoying their meals and conversations in an environment that exuded comfort and class.

Their reserved table was in a prime spot near the windows, offering a perfect view of the skyline. They settled into their seats, and the group took a moment to admire the scenery before a waiter approached with menus.

"Good evening, everyone. Can I start you off with some drinks?" the waiter asked, his tone polite and professional.

"Lila, why don't you recommend us what to get? I heard from Lena that you are a member of their franchise," said Aiden, glancing at Lila with a smile.

Lila blushed slightly, but she nodded, clearly pleased to share her knowledge. "Sure! I have tried almost everything on the menu, so I can help you out."

She turned to the waiter. "Can we start with a round of the house special mocktails? They're made from organic luxurious fruits and contain herbs that help improve the strength of the body. They come in various flavours. However, I would recommend to get the strawberry lemonade."

The group nodded in agreement, trusting Lila's judgment. The waiter took their drink orders and left, promising to return shortly.

While waiting for their drinks, Lila continued, "For appetizers, I highly recommend the truffle mushroom croquettes and the dragon fire shrimp. Both are incredible and perfect for sharing. Like the mocktails, they also improve the composition of the body, which is the reason why this franchise is loved by everyone."

The group's enthusiasm grew as they listened to Lila's recommendations. When the waiter returned with their drinks, they eagerly placed their appetizer orders based on her suggestions.

"After all, no one hates being healthier right?" Lila said a light-hearted joke.

"Indeed, everyone loves to be healthy. However, My wallet definitely hates looking at those prices," said Aiden, adding to the joke. Making everyone laugh, including some customers near them who felt the same way as Aiden's wallet.

As the cocktails were served, Aiden and the group decided to try it out together.

Aiden took a sip of his cocktail, his eyes widening in surprise. "Wow, Lila, you weren't kidding. This is amazing."

"Yes, this is absolutely amazing. I never tasted such a flavour-rich drink in my life. Moreover, I can feel my body getting stronger slightly." said Mark with enthusiasm showing on his astonished face.

"This tastes so good. Aiden, I need to become rich as soon as possible so I can have this mocktail every day from now on. Please teach me!" said Lena, her eyes wide with excitement, almost bouncing in her seat.

Lila smiled, pleased with their reactions. "I'm glad you like it. The Star Café takes great pride in their food and drinks."

After tasting the drink, whilst waiting for the appetizer to get ready for serving. Aiden decided to start talking about the villa he wanted to buy.

"So Lila, I am sure that Lena told you about my purpose. I wanted to ask you if you could show me around the villas available for purchase, or if you could recommend me to someone I would owe you a favour." Said Aiden.

He knew that to get a good villa in the city, you not only needed money but also needed some sort of status. So Aiden decided to go through Lila's connections since her family are real estate giants in the city.

Lila smiled, clearly pleased to help. "Of course, Aiden. My family does have some excellent properties available, and I can definitely show you around or set you up with the right people."

"We have villas that cater to all kinds of preferences—luxurious ones with magical enhancements, serene ones with beautiful gardens, and even some that are perfect for hosting gatherings and events."

"Since you want a villa, im guessing you want one in the high-end district?" Said Lila, confirming where Aiden wants the villa to be.

Aiden nodded, feeling a wave of relief. "Thank you, Lila. I really appreciate it. I've been looking for a place that offers both comfort and a bit of seclusion."

Lila nodded. "I think I know just the place. There are a couple of villas that my family are taking care of there. It's quiet, has a beautiful view, and is equipped with all the modern amenities you could need. Plus, it's close enough to the Academy to be convenient but far enough from others to give you some privacy."

"That sounds good," Aiden said, excitement in his voice. "When can we go see it?"

"How about tomorrow afternoon?" Lila suggested. "I'll arrange everything."

"Tomorrow afternoon works for me," Aiden agreed. "Thanks again, Lila. This means a lot."

Lila waved off his gratitude with a shy, warm smile. "Don't mention it. Helping friends is what I do."

The group continued their evening, enjoying the delicious food and drinks. The conversation flowed naturally.

"So Lila, we wanted to ask you about joining our party for the upcoming tournament. What do you think" said Aiden, glancing at Lila to see her reaction.

"Hmm, joining you guys sounds like a good plan, considering your rankings," said Lila with a smile. "Plus, you're all pretty fun to hang out with. I would love to join."

"Great!" Lena exclaimed, closing in on Lila and giving her a warm hug, which Lila eagerly returned.

As the night wound down, they eventually decided to call it a night, each heading back to their respective dorms or homes with smiles on their faces.

As they escorted Lena to her dorm, Aiden and Mark headed back to their dorm. 

"Time flows by so fast, don't you think?" said Mark, as they walked back.

"It does indeed, I still remember when we were living in the same room because the orphanage had no space for us." Said Aiden laughing at the old times.

"Talking about the orphanage, im planning to go back to the orphanage for a visit after I get my first check from the principal. Want to head back with me? we will bring some food and clothes for everyone."

"Hell yeah! Let's do it, sounds like fun. I miss the old lady." said Mark.

"Okay then it's set, we will fill Lena about it later on." said Aiden, since he just remembered about the visit from Mark.

As they headed to their rooms, Aiden couldn't help but feel excited about the place he was going to call home soon. 

After showering and brushing his teeth. Aiden wore his pyjamas which were getting smaller, as he grew and gotten more muscles from the training.

"I need to buy new clothes, I will also need to see which ones are good. I am pretty sure Lena, and Mark are suffering from the same problem." 

"I will take them to go shopping tomorrow, probably after visiting the Villa with Lila."

As he touched the bed, he soon drifted to sleep. Unknown to him, in a certain hidden headquarter in the wilderness where even someone like captain Voss did not dare to enter, there was a group conversing about him.

The room was vast, the ceiling high, vaulted, with echoes far away of footsteps.

Despite all the vastness, an air of mystery surrounded the space. The polished stone laid out on its walls was etched with a myriad of ancient runes, their symbols faintly aglow to cast an eerie, otherworldly light.

As the runes pulsed, their patterns shifted and swirled with life , hence giving an air of mysticism to what might otherwise have been a very modern setting.

In the centre of the room was a huge, dark wood table, polished at the surface to a high sheen. The table was surrounded by a group of figures; their faces mostly thrown into shadow by the flickering light provided by a central chandelier hanging from the ceiling with an elegant, ominous design.

Crystals in the chandelier caught the light, refracting back out onto the runes dancing across the walls.

There was a threat beneath the words as the voices of the group spoke. Their auras were very powerful, overwhelming.

"I heard from some of our spies at the Academy that a new student named Aiden has made a significant breakthrough in magic," said a male figure, his face barely recognizable as it was shrouded in darkness. "He's invented the first 5-point circle."

"Indeed, that is quite the achievement," replied a female figure, also cloaked in shadows. Her grin was wide and menacing, sending chills even to her companions. "We might have to pay him a visit soon."

The room fell silent as her words echoed through the expansive space, the ancient runes on the walls casting an unsettling light over the gathered group.

The figures exchanged glances, their faces illuminated only by the faint glow of their devices and the eerie shimmer of the runes.