You Don't Know Me

After eating at Avalon's Grille and enjoying their time chatting about the tournament.

Aiden paid the bill which amounted to around 400,000 Nanos for all of them.

Aiden did not feel burdened by the price of the food, as he still had almost a hundred High-Level mana crystals left.

He mined quite a lot from that weird pocket dimension after all.

As they exited the restaurant, they found Charles standing outside beside a sleek black limo, his posture formal and respectful.

"Hello, Young Miss, Mr. Aiden, Mr. Mark, and Miss Lena," Charles greeted them with a slight bow, his voice steady and polite. "Are you ready to depart?"

"Yes, Charles," Lila responded with a nod. "We need to go to the academy dorms first to drop off Lena and Mark. Then go to Aiden's house to drop him off."

Mark immediately protested, waving his hand dismissively. "There's really no need to trouble yourself, Lila. We can just order a quick taxi."