Chapter 39 Second Reward! First Seeing My Fiancé's Red Dress

Chapter 39 Second Reward! First Seeing My Fiancé's Red Dress

Youluo Palace, the sect master's palace.

Bai Feng sat on the throne, looking down at the graceful and beautiful girl with ancient style below.

"Xing'er, you came to see me. Do you have something important to report?"

He spoke calmly.

"Reporting to the master, Xing'er just wants to tell you something!"

Cen Xing'er lowered her head and said.

"What is it?"

Bai Feng asked.

"it is this..."

"Hey! Master, look!"

Cen Xing'er put her little hand on the lapel and pulled it hard.

"What do you want to clarify?"

Bai Feng quickly calmed down.

Although his expression was serious, his eyes were fixed on one place.

"Master, didn't you notice Xing'er's changes?"

Seeing that the Lord God was unmoved, Cen Xing'er seemed slightly disappointed, and her rosy cherry lips turned down slightly.


Bai Feng realized something, "Take off the beast collar from your neck."

"Yeah! Yes!"

Cen Xing'er's sadness turned into joy in an instant, and she said with sparkling eyes: "Because the Master said that he doesn't like Xing'er to be too humble, so Xing'er wants to change slowly! And the first thing..."

"Just as the Master wishes, throw away the collar! Slowly be yourself again!"

"Cool. Well done."

Bai Feng nodded and smiled for a rare moment.

At this moment, he was even happier than when he had controlled Han Jinniang before!

After all, using generosity and love to rescue this innocent and lovely girl from the whirlpool of self-imprisonment was what he wanted to do most since he travelled through time!

Seeing the Master's smile, the girl was also overjoyed. She tilted her head and asked tentatively: "Master, are you satisfied with Xing'er's actions?"

"Well, it's worthy of praise."

Bai Feng said gently: "Some things have to be done step by step. If you can do this, it won't be long before we can restore our normal master-disciple relationship. I am very pleased."

"Yes! Just as the Master said! Xing'er will work hard!"

Being praised by the supreme God in her heart, the girl clenched her pink fists, and her delicate and cute little face was full of excitement!

Perhaps she was too happy. She jumped a few times on the spot, which directly caused the scenery to be slightly raised.

Bai Feng looked down at the girl. Her every move was full of youthfulness.

I just felt my head getting a little red and hot.

"Although it's far inferior to Han Jinniang and Li Xue, and even inferior to Ling Yin, this kind of person who controls one hand may have another kind of charm?"

"No! I am a staunch fan of mature women! I must not join a cult that takes at least three years just because of my aesthetic taste!"

Remind yourself in your heart.

Bai Feng looked at the bright light, pursed his lips, and said coldly: "You can put on your clothes immediately."

What he never expected was.

Face your orders.

The girl was so bold as to shake her head!

"Master, you just expressed your appreciation for Xing'er's transformation, didn't you?"

Cen Xing'er spoke timidly, her big cat-like eyes darting around, not knowing what she was planning.


Bai Feng frowned, "So what--"

He didn't finish his words.

The beautiful girl standing in the centre of the hall was walking towards his throne step by step with her snow-white and tender long legs!

The Master and the disciple, one sitting and the other standing, were only a few feet apart.

Looking at the beautiful girl with the ancient style whom he brought up, Bai Feng felt something again.

This girl's figure, although perfectly proportioned, is so petite!

So much so that when I sit on the throne, my line of sight is almost level with hers!

That is to say.

She squatted down slightly, and

an inexplicable storm arose in her mind.

Bai Feng's dantian felt hot.

And at the same time.


The girl blushed and called out softly, her tone extremely charming, as if she was calling her lover.

Then, she slowly lowered her body, got on all fours, and lay on the ground. Her long ponytails on both sides also touched the ground.

Bai Feng saw this and frowned.

"Oh my god, why did she change back? Didn't she agree to be herself?"

"But then again, Xing'er really looks like a little..."

My mind was in turmoil.

The girl slowly approached his knees.

Bai Feng's heart trembled.

He could probably guess what terrible thing was going to happen.

He can stop the other person by shouting at him.

But for some reason, he chose to do nothing.


The girl leaned against his knees, raised her pretty, blushing face, and said, "So, Master, can you reward Xing'er like you did last time—by giving her a pat on the head?"

Bai Feng: ∑(O_O;)

Oh my god!

The real purpose is revealed!

No wonder she deliberately showed off in front of me today!

It turns out that she has been thinking about the reward of patting my head and killing me that day!

"But then again, is this enough?"

Somehow, Bai Feng felt a little lost in his heart.

However, he still stretched out his broad palm and placed it on the girl's soft hair.

"Well, I'll do as you wish!"

Bai Feng said seriously: "But next time, you have to make bigger changes!"

"Yes! Xing'er will work hard! Thank you for the gift, Master!"

After some rewards.

The little princess of Youluo Palace danced like a butterfly and left contentedly.


"Congratulations to the host! Spreading love successfully!"

"You get a reward: points +10,000! Current: 29,000 points!"

The system's settlement panel appears before my eyes.

Finally, Bai Feng slowly came back to his senses.

"Hey, I remember the first time I gave Xing'er a foot massage to remove toxins. It only increased a few thousand points."

"And now, just by patting my head, I can give you 10,000 points?"

"Could it be that because my bond with Xing'er has deepened, I can gain more from her?"

"So, should I spend 10,000 points to draw a platinum treasure chest? Or should I save up and draw the diamond treasure chest that I just unlocked?"

Bai Feng was in a dilemma.

"It should be said that although the rewards of the dog system are often pornographic, the value of the items does increase as the level of the treasure chest increases, so -"

"The diamond treasure chest is worth looking forward to! Maybe it will be the bargaining chip for the final battle with Mu Xinlan in the future!"

With this in mind, Bai Feng saved the points and exited the system interface.

"Okay, now all the preparations for the big copy of the Sect Leader Election Conference have been completed. The only thing left is to meet the last "Beauty Puppet"."

"Hongyi-chan, although I will protect you, you have to stand up for yourself, hey."

Bai Feng looked up at the sky, his eyes full of hope.

The next day, early morning.

Cangming Sect, Black Moon Hall, on the top of the back mountain.

On the edge of the cliff, the sea of ​​clouds is rolling.

A beautiful girl with blue hair and blue eyes, holding a fine steel sword, moved around with the sword flashing.

"Sister Lingyin! Please believe me! I, Hongyi, will never betray you!"

"I will do my best to get the position of clan leader and help you get rid of that devil!"

"As for me."

"I would never marry that wretched, hunchbacked old man even if I die!"

"Bai Qingling! You'd better stay away from us, sisters! Otherwise--"

Ye Hongyi's eyes widened as she muttered to herself.

Next moment.

A kind of resolute killing intent was poured into the sword!

She turned her wrist and activated the "Mingyu Sacred Heart Technique." The cold air on the sword tip burst out, generating a strong and unparalleled ice-blue sword energy!


A deafening sound resounded in the valley.

A huge rock in front was actually blasted into countless ice chips by this icy sword energy!

"Very good. It seems my sword intent has become much stronger."

The girl sheathed her sword with satisfaction.

At this moment, a lazy and low male voice came from behind:

"Tsk, it is worthy of being the most perfect "Ice Crystal Jade Holy Body" in the history of the Ye family. Using it as a foundation, practising the sword techniques of the Cangming Sect is indeed like adding wings to a tiger."


"This sword alone cannot hurt Demon Lord Qingling."

Hear this sound.

Ye Hongyi's beautiful eyes widened, her body shook violently, and the long sword in her hand almost slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground!

"This sound is..."

She was horrified.

The next moment.


An extremely cold and terrifying demonic aura enveloped the city like a dark cloud!

She felt difficulty breathing, and her limbs seemed to be frozen!

It was a kind of fear that could not be resisted at all, spreading from the depths of her heart!

"It's him!"

"It's that perverted old man who's engaged to me!"

A second later, the eldest daughter of the Ye family finally came to her senses, gritted her teeth, and turned her head to look.

In her stunned gaze.

In the fog ahead, a tall and burly figure walked out with steady steps.

Ye Hongyi frowned and looked at the other person carefully.

When I saw this man, his skin was pale, and his facial features seemed like they were carved by gods. His lines were sharp and handsome, and he was masculine. The obvious sword scar at the corner of his right eye did not lower his temperament but made him look more domineering.

"He, he is Lingyin's Master? The man that Grandpa wants me to marry. Demon Lord Qingling?"

As the man slowly approached, Ye Hongyi's heartbeat began to accelerate inexplicably.

Her cheeks also became a little hot!

It turned out

that the fiancé she had always thought was old and shabby

turned out to be a handsome man with unparalleled spirit!

She quickly lowered her head, turned her eyes away, cleared her throat, and said, "Is this the Lord Bai of Youluo Palace?"

Men don't speak.

Instead, he came and stood beside her.

Only then did she realize that even as tall as she was, she could only barely reach the man's shoulders!

In an instant, the oppressive feeling brought by the other party became even more suffocating.

"it's me."

The young Lord of Youluo Palace said calmly, "Master Ye, nice to meet you."

Ye Hongyi calmed down and said calmly,

"Palace Master Bai, what is the reason for your visit to my small Black Moon Hall?"

"For the next big thing."

"Master Ye, you only need to tell me one thing."

The man said something in a calm tone that defied the heavens: "Do you want the position of the sect leader? Hmm?"


After hearing this.

Ye Hongyi's shoulders trembled, and her pupils dilated to the extreme again. For a moment, she didn't know how to respond!

Oh my god!

Although the battle for the position of the sect leader is in full swing, and all parties have almost put their ambitions on the table!

But even someone as arrogant as the Tiger Taoist does not dare to say that the position of the sect leader is a sure thing!

And the man in front of him

was so nonchalant!

As if as long as he opened his mouth, he could help him, defeat all the heroes, and sit in the position of the clan leader!

"Something's wrong!"

"This guy must be trying to gain my trust by making outrageous remarks!"

After a quick brainstorm, Ye Hongyi figured something out and said coldly, "Sir, answer me a question first."

"Master Ye, you go ahead."

The young and unfamiliar Demon Lord Qingling nodded.

"Grandpa. No, has the old ancestor met you recently?"

Ye Hongyi asked.

"Not bad." The man nodded.

"Okay, I think I understand."

Ye Hongyi bit her lip and instinctively took a step back to keep herself away from this oppressive and perfect demon body.

"What do you understand?"

The other party's expression seemed a little confused.


After a long period of psychological preparation.

The seventeen-year-old Master Ye covered his red face and said to his nominal fiancé beside him,

"Master Bai! Don't be so wishful! Even if my grandfather had told me to do that, I would not marry you! Because I have already given my body and soul to someone else! She is a beautiful and flawless person!"

"If I marry you, what will she do?"

"So! This is impossible! At least."

"At least."

"Not possible for now."

By the end of her speech, the girl's cheeks were already red, and her voice changed from full of confidence at the beginning to as soft as a mosquito!

Fortunately, at this moment, a mountain breeze blew up a strand of her ice-blue hair, covering her shy cheeks.


One breath.

Two breaths.

Ten full breaths passed!

The man in front of him stood still like a silent mountain.

No response!

The atmosphere became somewhat awkward.

"Palace Master Bai, why don't you speak?"

Feeling the pounding of his heart, Ye Hongyi found that he was expecting the other party to give some kind of answer!

"Lingyin said that this devil has always been scheming. Could it be that he also wants to control and possess me like he mentally controlled Lingyin?"

Keep your mind here.

Ye Hongyi raised her head slightly and glanced at the man in front of her.

When he saw that handsome face, he was staring at him with a gentle smile on his face!

"Who does Master Ye think I am?"

After staring at each other in silence, the man finally spoke, "In my eyes, fame, wealth, and beauty are not worth a sneer."

"The reason why I am willing to stand behind Master Ye is just because the old ancestor entrusted me with the task, and I want to repay the kindness of Master Ye Wudao in the past."

"Huh, is that really the case? This is not like the style of Demon Lord Qing Ling, as the outside world rumored."

Ye Hongyi murmured to herself, with a suspicious look in her eyes.

"That's all I have to say. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"However, if Master Ye really thinks that I have some plans for you, then it is not entirely wrong."

Bai Feng suddenly smiled.


Ye Hongyi was slightly stunned and looked up at the other party.

The youngest demon king in the history of the Eastern Region, Demon Dao, looked at him sincerely:

"Master Ye, you lost your parents when you were young. After the ancestor temporarily took over as the sect master, he also had no time to accompany you. You can say that you had a lonely and helpless childhood. I have always felt pity for you."

"So, if Master Ye doesn't give up—"

As he spoke, Bai Feng extended his broad and strong palm towards the girl with a loving smile on his face:

"Be my daughter!"

Ye Hongyi: (⊙⊙)