Chapter 54 I want to be my senior brother’s bride!

Chapter 54 I want to be my senior brother's bride!

Outside the house, the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full.

Inside the house, red candles were lit, and the windows were covered with festive paper-cuts.

On the mottled, old bluestone floor, a small bride and groom, who looked like children about eleven or twelve years old, were praying in the hall in a very formal manner.

"Bow to heaven and earth!"

A tender and pleasant female voice sounded.

The owner of the voice

turned out to be the little bride wearing a phoenix coronet and a bridal robe!

She seemed very excited and straightened her body. Her full chest, which was far beyond her age, also stood proudly.

Then, she bowed slowly and gracefully.

And next to the little bride.

The little groom with pale skin and a thin body stood motionless, like a sculpture.

"Brother, why don't you bow?"

The little bride sounded a little lost and looked back at her childhood sweetheart.

"It's just a game. Why take it so seriously, Junior Sister?"

The young groom's voice was indifferent and steady, not at all like that of a child of his age.

"I don't!"

The girl lifted her veil, revealing a pair of lively peach blossom eyes and a pretty oval face.

She is a rare beauty in the world!

"Brother clearly said that he would follow Rong'er's lead tonight! Wuwuwuwu"

The girl burst into tears, and tears as big as beans rolled out of her big eyes.

"Don't cry."

The young groom's voice finally showed some movement, "It's up to you."

After saying that.

After hesitating for a second, he also bowed down.

"Great! Rong'er knows it! Senior Brother is the person who loves Rong'er the most in this world!"

The little bride's smile is as beautiful as a flower, and she is so beautiful under the candlelight!


"Bow to the Demon Ancestor twice!"

The girl spoke again.

This time, she stretched out her snow-white little hand and held the senior brother next to her.

The boy was slightly startled when the girl touched his palm.

That pale and handsome little face actually had a blush on it.

The two of them joined hands and worshipped together in front of them the tablet of the Demon Ancestor Chi You.

"Husband and wife—bow to each other!"

At the last stage, the girl's voice was excited but also a little shy!

The next moment.

The two of them seemed to have a telepathic connection and bowed down at the same time with excessive force.

He hit his head right on the head!

"Ahaha! Rong'er is so stupid! So is Senior Brother! Hahahahahaha!"

The little girl was dressed up and looked at the senior brother, who kept rubbing his head with great joy.

"Okay, let's finish it."

Compared to the little girl's excitement, the boy seemed a little indifferent.

"Yes, but then comes——"

As she spoke, the girl's cheeks flushed, and her beautiful peach blossom eyes stared at her beloved.

I saw that the cheeks of this senior brother, who had always been calm and aloof, actually turned red!

The girl stuck out her tongue playfully and said, with blinking eyes,

"Hahahaha, don't think too much, Big Brother. We are still too young for that kind of thing..."

"Humph, I'm not interested in that kind of thing."

The boy deliberately emphasized his tone and turned his face away.

Seeing her lover angry, the girl was a little at a loss, and then she came forward and boldly kissed her senior brother lightly on the cheek!

Before her lover could react.

The girl covered her burning cheeks and said in a whisper, "Actually, if Senior Brother really wants to, Rong'er can do it."

"Anyway, Rong'er's biggest dream is to be the bride of Senior Brother!"

When she said the last sentence, her beautiful eyes were shining, and her voice became firm and powerful.

"Rong'er, that's enough."

The young man coldly shook off the other's hand.

"Big Brother, are you unhappy tonight?"

The girl looked aggrieved, her big eyes twinkling as she asked weakly.

"never mind."

The young man said coldly: "Tonight's farce is the last thing I promised you."

"I have done that."

"From now on, don't stick to me anymore."

"Actually, I am."

"I hate you the most. You are a cowardly, clingy, naive, and childish little crybaby who easily believes others."

After saying this, the young man took off his red tasselled hat, tore the red flower on his chest into pieces, and turned away coldly.


Looking at the senior brother who used to treat me gently and generously, now he is so cold and heartless.

The girl could no longer suppress her sorrow, and tears welled up in her eyes!

"Wuwuwuwu, Senior Brother, you lied to me!"

"You are obviously not that kind of person!"

"You will soon find out what kind of person I am."

"Before, I just pretended to be someone else in front of you out of some bad taste."

The boy's voice was cold and heartless.

"No! Senior Brother is lying! Rong'er doesn't believe it!"

The girl wiped away her tears, rushed forward, and hugged her lover's waist: "If that's the case, why did you believe Rong'er's words and accept Rong'er's Udumbara flower?"


The young man took out a small flower from his arms that was as white as jade and beautiful beyond words and sneered, "Haha, are you talking about this?"

"Silly boy, isn't what I said clear enough?"

"What a bullshit Udumbara!"

"Like all my fellow disciples that day, I, Bai Qingling, never believed it!"

"This Demon Sealed Valley is close to the source of the earth's demonic energy and is filled with evil spirits. It is impossible for such a legendary sacred Buddhist flower to bloom!"

"Rong'er, your self-deceiving lies should also be shattered along with it!"

After saying that, the young man's face darkened, and he threw the flowers in his hand towards the cliff outside the window!

call out--

Following the flawless white spiritual flower, it broke through the darkness and fell into the bottom of the bottomless Demon Sealing Valley.

The girl's beautiful, crystal-clear peach eyes completely lost their luster.

Next moment.


The scene before my eyes shattered.

Bai Feng, who was resting in the Blood Kitchen Underground Palace, felt a sharp pain in his chest and suddenly opened his eyes!

"It turned out to be a dream!"

"Fuck, this is too real!"

"But then again."

"That little girl named Rong'er is so cute. She's just as cute as my Xing'er!"

While wiping the sweat off my face, I recalled the scenes in my dream.

Bai Feng's eyebrows sank, and then he thought of something!

"What I just dreamed about, couldn't it be the scene when Hua Yuerong and I were young!"

"Yes! Ever since I first met Hua Yuerong in the Blood Kitchen, I always felt like I had married her before! I didn't expect it to be in this kind of playful way!"

For a moment, Bai Feng felt as if he was in a dream.

At the same time, a strong sense of curiosity arose.

As a collector, after completing the first expansion pack of "Xianlian" in his previous life, he visited almost all the maps and triggered hundreds of side quests.

Among them, a "pure love" item called "Withered Udumbara" was collected deep in Bai Qingling's blood kitchen. On it was written, "Love him, hate him, and remain faithful until death."

However, there is no explanation of how to trigger this prop or which female protagonist it is related to.

"Now it seems that there are "big holes" in the game that have no explanation."

"I actually found the answer in this real world."

"No wonder Xiao Chen, the player, could never capture Master Hua Yuerong no matter what. It's because in her heart..."

"It's just me."

Thinking of this, Bai Feng took out the sacred and magnificent Udumbara flower from the storage space.

"But, according to the plot in the dream, wasn't this thing thrown off the cliff by Bai Qingling?"

"How did it return to my hands?"

"Well, it seems that if I want to resolve the love-hate relationship with Yue Rong, I have to go to the Flame Demon Tower, retrieve my heart, and regain the memories buried inside."

Bai Feng made up his mind.

In fact, even if it wasn't for his childhood sister, he would have to go to the Flame Demon Tower.

In the previous election of the suzerain.

It seemed that he killed the peak powerhouse of the Spirit Transformation Stage, the Tiger Taoist, with one strike, suppressing the whole place and looking very impressive.

But in fact, the price paid is not small.

With his current magical power at the Jindan stage, it is simply not enough to activate the top-level Gu Dao sequence and detonate the "Thousands of Years of Calamity Heart-Breaking Gu" in the body of the Tiger Taoist.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons for a long time, he used the "Demon Lord Experience Card" that came out of the golden treasure chest.

Although it hurts, thinking about it afterwards, it's not a loss.

After all, in the game, the protagonist group headed by Xiao Chen went through untold hardships, including various sit-ups and explosive growth, before they took down the disgusting little BOSS, the Tiger, who had a lot of health.

What's more, as a certain tough guy once said, one punch is enough to prevent a hundred punches from coming.

After he killed the Tiger Taoist in public in seconds, the rumour that "Demon Lord Qingling lost all his magic power after being beaten by Mu Xinlan" was self-defeating.

But after killing the Tiger.

Bai Feng felt more and more that his heart meridian was gradually weakening.

Even yesterday, when he was riding the Black Dragon Chariot to the Shura Palace to infuse Madam Ren, he felt a little unmotivated.

This can only mean one thing.

The five artificial internal organs made of innate Yi wood in the body are gradually failing after the battle with Mu Xinlan.

He must retrieve as soon as possible the

five internal organs of his Qingling Demon Lord body, which have been nurtured to the extreme by the power of the five elements!

In my ear, a soft and cute girl whispered:

"Master, I want a hug."

"Xing'er wants more. She wants more and bigger rewards."

Oh shit.

When did this girl come to sleep with me?

Bai Feng was startled and looked back. The scene in front of him immediately frightened him!

On the cliff of Yin Gui Palace.

A one-armed boy was facing a pile of black feces and saying something excitedly.

"I'm so sorry, Master! I don't believe it!"

"How could Bai Qingling be so cautious and suspicious, armed to the teeth, so careless that Mu Xinlan invaded his consciousness and saw through his weaknesses?"

Xiao Chen looked coldly at the shadow of the old Taoist on the stool and said coldly: "Master, stop fooling me. I, Xiao Chen, will never be a pawn of that old woman again!"

"This is absolutely true! My dear disciple!"

Seeing that the golden undercover agent he had cultivated quit, Yuxuzi became anxious.

"Mu Sheng said it herself. When she and Bai Qingling had their final battle in the Soul Sealing Valley, she clearly felt that Bai Qingling's innate formless demonic body had greatly reduced its power and was incomplete! She suspected that this person had hidden the most important part of his body somewhere else!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Chen looked suspicious: "Why would Bai Qingling dismantle his perfect formless demon body for no reason? This doesn't make sense!"

"As you just said, this person has always been cautious and has three burrows. No matter what decision he makes, he always leaves a way out for himself. Therefore, it is entirely possible."

Yuxuzi said, "In the decisive battle that day, Mu Sheng burned the essence of both lives and sacrificed the Nine Tribulations Yin Devouring Fire to force Bai Qingling into a dead end. Unexpectedly, the latter successfully released a powerful Gu technique at the last moment and escaped with his remaining body."

"At the last moment, Mu Sheng knew that he could not keep him, so he took advantage of his weak soul and invaded the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, trying to find the weakness deep in his heart, and then he saw -"

"What did you see?"

Xiao Chen couldn't help but become interested.

Yuxuzi said:

"According to Mu Sheng, when she traced back Bai Qingling's memories, all she saw was a sea of ​​blood and corpses. But when she reached the deepest fork, two completely different scenes appeared. This must be the biggest secret hidden deep in his heart."

"What picture? Tell me!"

Xiao Chen quickly asked.

He was very sceptical. Could a monster like this, who had no emotions at all, really have any weaknesses in his heart?

"A little girl wearing a phoenix crown and a phoenix robe, and an ancient tower."

Yuxuzi said: "As for the little girl, Mu Sheng couldn't see her face clearly, so we have no way to find her but the ancient tower."

"It's the "Flame Demon Tower", right!" Xiao Chen blurted out.

"Not bad."

Yuxuzi showed admiration on his face: "As expected of you, you are my direct disciple. You have guessed this."

"Mu Sheng clearly saw the three words "Flame Demon Tower" on the plaque at the entrance of the ancient tower!"

"She speculated that Bai Qingling might have hidden the most important organ of his body here! As for that little girl, we don't need to investigate further!"

"Tsk, is this true?"

Xiao Chen spat in disdain.

"If you don't try it, how can you know whether it's true or not?"

Yuxuzi said: "Or think about it again. With Bai Qingling's aloof and cold personality, why would he be so keen on the position of sect leader this time?"

"It's obvious that he wants to use Ye Hongyi's authority as the puppet leader to get the entry key to the Flame Demon Tower from the Supremes!"

"Well, what you said makes some sense."

Xiao Chen held his chin with his hand as if thinking about something.

After a while, he said coldly: "Humph! Even if that's the case, so what? It's none of my business! Whoever wants to be an undercover agent can do it!"

"Hey, kid, it's the same thing."

Yuxuzi narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't want to be a demonic villain despised by others for the rest of your life, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched.

"Master's meaning is very simple. If you complete this last mission well, you can return to the Middle Earth, and Master will immediately restore your status as the chief disciple of Kunlun Dao Sect!"

"Your junior sister, who is the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, misses you very much."

Yuxuzi bewitched.

"Junior Sister"

A beautiful smiling face appeared in Xiao Chen's mind, and his expression suddenly became somewhat longing.


Even if Tan Tai Lingyin, Ye Hongyi, and Cen Xing'er, the three unfaithful women, abandoned him and threw themselves into the arms of Bai Qingling,

he, Xiao Chen, still had a little junior sister who worshipped and admired him to the extreme!

She was his only white moonlight, and no one could take her away!

In an instant, the eldest disciple of Kunlun Dao Sect rekindled his fighting spirit, gritted his teeth, and said, "Well! Master! I will trust you one last time!"

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me! What do you want me to do!?"

Yuxuzi said: "Master wants you to find a chance to enter the Flame Demon Tower and then find the secret that Bai Qingling has buried. According to Mu Sheng, the secret may be a fragment of memory or the location of his organs."

"In short, if what you find is his real body, you must destroy it on the spot so that he can never return to his peak state!"

"If what we get is a certain memory he buried——"

At this point, Yuxuzi's eyes suddenly flashed with a cunning look: "This is for you, take it!"

Call out.

In the void, a strange light burst out, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

"What's this?"

Xiao Chen instinctively caught it, and when he looked down, he saw that it was actually a smooth and clear precious mirror!

Yuxuzi said:

"This is a delicate mirror, which can visualize and project any spiritual consciousness and memory fragments in the world."

"If you really find a memory that Bai Qingling has buried and is afraid of being known, then you can directly insert this mirror into the container that holds the memory."

"With the power of this precious mirror, everyone in the Cangming Sect can see this memory!"

"By then, the human weaknesses of the Qingling Demon Lord, as well as his most despicable and vicious side, will be exposed to everyone!"

"Perhaps before we, the righteous can take action, the people of Cangming Sect will be enraged and unite to hunt down and kill this domineering and overbearing Cangming Godfather! Hahahaha!"

"Tsk tsk, to kill someone and destroy their heart? That's brilliant."

Xiao Chen sneered and gave a thumbs up: "Is this your idea, Master, or that Mu Sheng's idea?"

"That's not important."

Yuxuzi said: "Child, there is no time to lose. Get ready to act."

"Humph, that's easy to say."

Xiao Chen frowned and said, "You just said that the key to the Flame Demon Tower is in the hands of several Supremes. Only the Sect Master has the right to use it. Even Bai Qingling doesn't dare to snatch it by force. How can I get there first?"

"Don't forget, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Yuxuzi said: "My child, although Bai Qingling took advantage of us in this election, we also gained a friend. His status in the Cangming Sect is enough to influence the situation."

"You mean"

Xiao Chen suddenly thought of something, "The Grand Elder in charge of Tianbao Pavilion, Nangong Fang?"


Maybe this person could be of some use.

After looking at the outline, I see that Xiao Chen died in a few chapters, not much later than the protagonist!