
Long ago, in the ancient sands of Egypt, legend tells of a fateful pact between a young Pharaoh and a powerful djinn. The Pharaoh, fueled by vengeance for his father's death, struck a deal: he would host the djinn in exchange for the ability to vanquish its kind. Thus, the djinn granted him the Key of the Pharaoh—a mystical prism pulsing with formidable power. Together, they merged into one, shaping the destiny of Egypt's rulers for generations.

From youth to old age, each Pharaoh inherited the Key, and the djinn's spirit, wielding their might until the time of Cleopatra, the final known bearer. With her passing, the Key vanished into obscurity, djinn began to manifest more abundantly, and the people of Egypt actively fought to keep the Romans from conquering their cities, marking an unforeseen end to the age of Pharaohs—a chapter closed without an heir or artifact to claim the throne, and no one to protect the kingdom from the threat of djinn. The fate of the ancient spirit of the djinn that lived inside the Pharoahs remained just as much a mystery.

But when Cleopatra passed, something extraordinary occurred. Overnight, towers emerged from the sands—Crypts, ancient strongholds brimming with monsters, traps, and untold treasures collected over centuries. These hidden vaults, long whispered to hold the Pharaohs' secrets, now beckoned to daring souls. Adventurers flocked to explore them, their exploits spreading far and wide. The Crypts' perilous allure, promising wealth and glory to those brave enough to face them, captivated Egypt.

Rumors swirled that the Key of the Pharaoh lay within these labyrinthine depths, sparking a revolution across the land. Guilds formed, warriors geared up, and a new profession was born— Crypt Hunters, bold explorers of the ancient tombs.

Crypt of the World, 9 years ago

"You've done enough, Apep."

Anubis, the death god, stood at the peak of the Crypt of the World, all 100 floors beneath him. He'd ditched his usual jackal guise for a six-foot-something human form, dark-skinned, ripped and towering over his foe. He was wrapped in a sleek black robe, and wore sandals. His long, dark hair was tied back, and of all his normal features, his jackal ears and piercing purple eyes brimming with pure spite remained.

Apopis, chaos incarnate, wasn't one to blend in. Spiky black hair, blazing crimson eyes, wings of fiery red scales sprouting from his back, and horns to match atop his head. Clad head-to-toe in dragonic armor, a sinister grin never leaving his lips.

"You can't stop me, Anubis. You know it," Apopis cackled, perched atop a mound of glittering treasure. He spun a dusty, golden lamp between his claws, eyeing it with twisted delight. "Once I unleash the genie inside and free Osiris, there'll be no saving your precious humans. Oh, the fate that awaits your family... What was your son's name again? Khaelan?"

Anubis's eyes blazed with fury. "Stay away from him, Apep. This is our fight."

Apopis smirked. "Ah, your third dalliance with mortals, I hear? Busy times for you. Planning to abandon this one too?"

Anubis's lip curled in disdain. "Enough."

With a snarl, he lunged forward, delivering a powerful blow that sent Apopis crashing into the dungeon wall with a thunderous thud, dust billowing around him. Anubis stood firm, fists clenched in determination. As the dust settled, Apopis emerged unharmed, chuckling as he dusted himself off.

"Nice punch," Apopis taunted, summoning a colossal sphere of flames, eyes blazing with the same fire. "Try this on for size, dog man." With a swift motion, he hurled the fireball at Anubis, its searing heat tearing through the air toward him.

Anubis closed his eyes briefly, hands clasped together. In an instant, a swirling black hole materialized in the path of the fireball, consuming it with a cosmic roar. The rift closed with a deafening silence, leaving Anubis and Apopis locked in a tense standoff. The air crackled with unreleased energy as they sized each other up.

"Impressive, I'll give you that, dog man," Apopis retorted, smirking. He walked down the mountain of treasures, his steps slow and casual. "I suppose it would take more than that to kill the god of death."

Anubis didn't acknowledge the backhanded compliment. His eyes remained stern and cold. "Your havoc ends here, Apep."

Apep laughed, twirling the genie lamp around his fingers. "Not while I still have this lamp."

Anubis burst forward at Apopis again, throwing a punch. Apopis dodged just in time and kneed Anubis in the stomach, then spun and kicked him to the ground, sending him sprawling across the dungeon floor. Apopis didn't hesitate to take the opportunity, dashing over to get ontop of Anubis and unleash a flurry of blows to his face.

Blood leaked from Anubis's nose and eyes and mouth as the intensity of the beating increased. Apopis set his fists ablaze with scorching fire and continued pummeling away at Anubis, his punches growing stronger with every punch. He stopped for a moment. "Where's all that legendary strength I've heard so much about now?"

Anubis didn't answer, but instead pointed at something over Apep's shoulder.

"I'm not falling for that." Apopis glared.

Anubis disappeared in a swirl of black smoke. Gradually, the dark haze crept upward, reaching Apopis's knees, thickening the room's atmosphere.

"You and your tricks! Show yourself, you coward!" Apopis yelled out into the fog, his vision beginning to be obscured by the smoke. Soon, the whole room was filled to the ceiling with the smoke. "Anubis! Cease this senseless song and dance this instant and fight me!" Silence followed. Apopis's breathing began to quicken as his head swiveled, trying to locate the danger. His eyes widened with a glint of fear.

"You had your fun, Apep," Anubis's voice suddenly echoed through the darkness. "Now it's time for order to be brought to chaos."

"What the hell are you talking about!?"

A shadow shot by Apopis so fast that he wasn't able to react, slicing his face as it passed. Again, it passed in a split second, slicing Apopis's right arm clean off.

"AHHHHH! MY ARMMM!" Apopis cried out into the cloud of smoke. Tears welled up in his eyes and his teeth clenched with fury. His eyes, red and veiny, darted across the room. He laughed manically.

"You're a fast one. I like that, haha..." Apopis chuckled, picking up his arm off the floor and holding it close to him. "I've yet to become used to the pain that comes with mortal bodies, I admit."

"Can't say I relate." Anubis's voice shot back through the smoke.


The shadow shot by again, cutting off Apopis's left leg with a single, clean slice. Apopis screamed, falling to the ground. Blood poured from his leg, and his cries echoed through the room.

"No! I won't die like this!" Apopis growled, gritting his teeth as he dropped his right arm and reached in his pocket for the lamp with his left hand, his only good hand now. He managed to wrap the tips of his fingers around the lamp's handle and fish it out. He brought it to his chest, and set it down, his breaths coming in short and ragged. He brought his hand up to the lamp and rubbed his bloody fingers on it, leaving streaks of red across its surface.

"Oh Great Genie, I, Apopis, God of Chaos and Darkness, release you!"