Anubis House

When the trio reached the capital of Alexandria, they immediately went to the bank to deposit their treasures in savings. Afterwards, they stopped by an inn and bathed, and ate, recuperating after a long conquest.

Outside the inn, they looked visibly relieved.

"Back to base?" Nubi piped up, breezy as ever.

Khaelan and Sybil exchanged glances, then nodded in sync. Sybil wondered aloud, "Think they've noticed we were gone?"

Nubi shrugged. "Doubt it. No offense, Sybil, but they'd probably miss you as much as they'd miss a dragon."

Sybil smirked. "Oh really? And why's that, Nubi?"

"You're a real terror, Sybil. The whole guild's petrified of you!"

"Because I'm all business?" Sybil's voice oozed confidence, her smile never fading.

"Yeah, exactly!" Khaelan chuckled from the sidelines, catching Sybil's eye. They shared a grin.

On their way to headquarters, Khaelan, Sybil, and Nubi wandered through the lively streets of Alexandria, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. The people they encountered were as diverse as the goods on display. Merchants from far-off lands haggled over prices in a myriad of languages, their stalls brimming with exotic spices, silks, and precious gems. Local artisans showcased their crafts, from finely woven linens to intricately carved amulets.

The trio observed Greek scholars in flowing robes, engaging in animated debates outside the great Library of Alexandria, their voices filled with passion and curiosity. Nearby, Egyptian priests in elaborate headdresses made their way to the temples, their presence commanding respect and reverence from passersby. The marketplace was alive with activity, a cacophony of voices calling out to potential buyers, the clinking of coins exchanging hands, and the occasional laughter of children playing by the fountain.

As they continued their exploration, they noticed people of different backgrounds and cultures mingling together, reflecting the cosmopolitan nature of Alexandria. Greek, Egyptian, and Roman citizens, along with traders from as far as India and Nubia, moved through the streets, their attire and mannerisms a testament to the city's diverse influences.

Khaelan was particularly struck by the grand architecture surrounding them. The towering columns of the temples, the statues of gods and legendary figures, and the intricate frescoes adorning the buildings painted a vivid picture of the city's rich history. Sybil admired the beautifully crafted mosaics depicting scenes from Greek mythology, while Nubi marveled at the majestic sight of the Pharos lighthouse, its light guiding ships safely into the bustling harbor.

They passed by a procession, possibly a religious ceremony, with priests and priestesses dressed in white linen, carrying offerings to the temple. The sweet scent of incense wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of fresh bread from a nearby bakery and the salty sea breeze.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the city, the trio found themselves in a quieter part of Alexandria. They observed families gathering on the rooftops, enjoying the cooler evening air. The distant murmur of the sea and the occasional call of a seagull seemed to sing their own songs. As Khaelan, Sybil, and Nubi looked out from Alexandria, the distant pyramids stood majestic and timeless against the horizon. The ancient structures, though far from the city, were clearly visible in the clear desert air. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of them all, dominated the skyline, its massive, limestone blocks shimmering in the sunlight.

The guild headquarters of Anubis House stood as an imposing and enigmatic structure, distinct from the rest of the buildings in Alexandria. As Khaelan, Sybil, and Nubi approached, they noted the building's formidable façade, made from dark, polished granite that absorbed the sunlight, giving it a shadowy, almost foreboding appearance. The entrance was framed by two towering statues of Anubis, the jackal-headed god, each holding a staff topped with an ankh, symbolizing life and protection.

The building itself was a fusion of Egyptian and Greco-Roman architectural styles, reflecting Alexandria's cultural diversity. The entrance was guarded by massive wooden doors, intricately carved with scenes depicting Anubis guiding souls to the afterlife, surrounded by hieroglyphs and protective symbols. Above the doorway, a large, gilded emblem of Anubis House gleamed in the fading sunlight, a sign of the guild's prestige and influence.

Inside, the main hall was dimly lit, with flickering torches casting long shadows on the walls. The air was cool, and the scent of incense, faintly musky and sweet, lingered throughout the space. The walls were adorned with detailed murals, illustrating the ancient rites and rituals associated with Anubis, the god of mummification and the afterlife. The artworks were complemented by marble busts of notable members of the guild, their stern gazes watching over the hall.

The floor was made of smooth, black stone, polished to a reflective sheen. In the center of the hall stood a grand staircase, flanked by columns inscribed with ancient texts. The staircase led to an upper level, the guild's council chambers and administrative offices were located. Here, the most influential members of Anubis House conducted their affairs, overseeing matters related to funerary rites, the preservation of knowledge, and various mystical arts.

To the side of the main hall was a smaller chamber, often used for private meetings and rituals. This room was dominated by an altar, surrounded by offerings and candles, with a large statue of Anubis presiding over it. To the other side was the main lobby, where adventurers rendezvoused to start a quest.

As Khaelan, Sybil, and Nubi entered the lobby of Anubis House, they were greeted by a lively and energetic scene. The large room buzzed with the voices of adventurers, who were gathered around wooden tables, chatting animatedly, drinking from mugs of ale, and sharing stories of their exploits. The atmosphere was warm and convivial, a sharp contrast to the solemnity of the main hall.

The lobby's walls were lined with torches, casting a golden glow over the room. A massive, intricately woven tapestry depicting Anubis guiding souls to the afterlife hung prominently above the entrance, adding a touch of reverence to the otherwise bustling space. Along one wall, a large board was covered with parchments detailing various quests and missions. The board was crowded with adventurers, eagerly scanning the notices for new opportunities, whether it be hunting dangerous creatures, retrieving ancient artifacts, or undertaking diplomatic missions.

The tables were strewn with maps, scrolls, and an array of weapons and gear. Adventurers of all kinds were present: seasoned veterans with scars and well-worn armor, novice adventurers eager for their first quest, and enigmatic figures cloaked in shadows, whispering about secretive assignments. A few bards were scattered among the crowd, playing lively tunes on lutes and flutes.

At one corner of the room, a small bar area served refreshments. The bartender, a burly man with a friendly demeanor, poured drinks and exchanged banter with the patrons. Behind the bar, shelves were stocked with a variety of exotic drinks, including wines from distant lands, potent spirits, and herbal concoctions.

On the opposite side of the lobby, a staircase led to the upper floors, where private meeting rooms and dormitories for guild members were located. Alongside the stairs, a series of large windows offered a view of the inner courtyard, where a training area was set up.

The guild's emblem, featuring the jackal-headed Anubis, was prominently displayed on banners hanging from the ceiling, reminding all who entered of the guild's patron deity and the serious nature of their work.

It wasn't long before someone came to greet them. Isis, with her braided hair and eyes as bright as the sun, approached, wearing a striking ensemble of blue and yellow robes. At twenty, she was the closest in age to Khaelan among the guild members, and her youthful energy was evident in her lively step.

"Guild Master Sybil! You're back!" Isis exclaimed with a wide smile. "It's been five days, and everyone has been wondering whether you would return."

Sybil simply smiled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "As if I'd let a Crypt take me out. No, it'll take more than a tower full of ferocious monsters and deadly traps to stop me."

"That's right!" Nubi chimed in, his small voice drawing Isis's attention downward. "We kicked that Crypt's butt!"

Isis chuckled warmly. "Aww, hey, Nubi. Welcome back, it's good to see you." She bent down slightly to meet his gaze.

"Good to see you too, Isis!" Nubi grinned, his excitement palpable.

Isis then turned her gaze to Khaelan. Her confident demeanor softened, and she momentarily looked down before meeting his eyes again. "W-welcome back, Khaelan," she stammered slightly, a blush rising on her dark brown cheeks.

Khaelan returned her smile with a gentle one of his own. He reached behind him and grasped the handle of his new sword, Greedy Tyrant, which materialized in his hand, seemingly from light. "Hey, Isis. You won't believe what we found at the top of the tower." He held the sword out, its blue blade gleaming under the lobby's torchlights.

"W-wow, Khaelan, that's really impressive," Isis said, her eyes wide with admiration. She carefully ran her fingers along the edges of the blade, clearly fascinated. She blushed again, adding, "N-now you'll be even stronger. It's hard to imagine that being possible, though."

Khaelan chuckled at her words, then let the sword dematerialize back into light particles, which flowed back into the small prism hanging around his neck. "Touché," he said, pleased with the encounter.

"Master, is that you!?" a rowdy voice called out from the bar area. Turning to look, Khaelan, Sybil, Nubi, and Isis saw a tall, muscular man with dark skin and wispy ebony hair. He wore metal greaves and white robes, and had a long warhammer resting against the bar.

"Oh, it's Crater. Is he drunk?" Nubi asked, tilting his head.

"As usual," Isis replied with a shrug. She then raised her voice. "Crater! It's the Master! They're back from conquering the Tower of Imhotep!"

Crater's eyes widened in surprise. "Master Sybil, really!? You're alive!?" he shouted, his voice carrying across the room. The lobby, bustling with activity moments ago, quieted down as everyone turned to see what the commotion was about. "Hey, everyone! Master Sybil's back, and they beat the Crypt!"

As the words sank in, the room erupted into cheers and applause. Adventurers at their tables raised their mugs in salute, and the bards struck up a triumphant tune. Sybil stood with a cool, confident smile, Khaelan remained stoic, and Nubi, grinning widely, bowed and waved at the crowd, basking in the attention.

Crater, his voice now clear over the quieter room, called out again, "What was it like, Master Sybil?"

Sybil paused, her gaze shifting to Khaelan. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them, an unspoken bond forged through shared trials. She then turned to address the room, standing tall and poised. "It was treacherous indeed. Death bared its jaws at us and pounced at every turn. But we conquered death every single time. Death could not defeat us because... why, my friends?"

In unison, the crowd responded with fervor, "Because we are death."

Sybil smirked, a hint of pride in her eyes. "To House Anubis. Drink, eat, and dance. Tonight, we shall celebrate."

The celebration was a vibrant and joyous affair, filled with laughter, music, and camaraderie. The guild members gathered to honor Sybil, Khaelan, and Nubi's triumphant return from the Tower of Imhotep. The air buzzed with excitement as the normally reserved guild headquarters transformed into a lively banquet hall.

Long tables laden with an array of delicious foods stretched across the room. Roasted meats, fresh fruits, and an assortment of breads and pastries were laid out in abundance. Adventurers, still clad in their armor and gear, eagerly filled their plates, their faces alight with smiles. The rich aroma of spiced lamb and freshly baked bread mingled with the air. In one corner, a group of guild members laughed heartily, engaging in friendly debates about their most daring quests. They toasted each other's bravery with goblets of wine and mugs of ale, the sound of clinking glasses echoing through the hall.

In another part of the room, a group of bards played lively tunes on lutes, drums, and flutes. The music was infectious, and soon an open space became a makeshift dance floor. Members of the guild, from seasoned warriors to new recruits, joined in the dancing, their movements ranging from skilled to exuberantly uncoordinated. Laughter and music filled the air, as dancers twirled and swayed, their shadows flickering on the walls in the warm torchlight.

"I must speak to Cairo," Sybil said, leaning in close to Khaelan. "Take Nubi with you. Enjoy the festivities, brother." With a final nod, she turned and walked out of the lobby, leaving Khaelan and Nubi amidst the lively celebration.

Khaelan and Nubi exchanged curious glances, shrugged, and then settled into a nearby table. They took in the lively scene around them, the noise of laughter and music blending into a vibrant backdrop. With a shared look of amusement, they joined in the festivities, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Near a roaring fire pit, a circle of adventurers gathered, sharing tales of their exploits. The fire cast a warm glow on their faces as they took turns recounting their adventures. An older, grizzled warrior with long, flowing blue hair, named Essam, leaned back in his chair, a hearty smile spreading across his weathered face as the crowd settled in around him. At his side, a giant, curved sword rested, along with a kopesh. He took a deep draught from his mug, then set it down with a thud, his blue eyes gleaming with the excitement of recounting his adventures.

"Ah, gather 'round, everyone! Let me tell you about the time I ventured into the Ruins of Asmaris. It was a forsaken place, buried deep beneath the shifting sands. The locals spoke of it in hushed tones, claiming it was cursed. But I, being the foolhardy soul that I am, couldn't resist the challenge."

He leaned forward, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, though the crowd was already hanging on his every word. "We fought through traps that would make your skin crawl—shifting walls, poisoned darts, and even a room filled with venomous snakes. But the real treasure lay in a hidden chamber, accessible only by solving an ancient puzzle etched into the stone."

The warrior paused for effect, taking another sip from his mug. "And what did we find in that chamber? Gold? Jewels? Aye, but more than that—a tablet inscribed with the lost knowledge of the ancients. It spoke of forgotten magic and secret rites. That knowledge has guided many of my adventures since, and it's the reason I'm standing here today."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "But the best part? As we were leaving, the ruins seemed to shift and change around us. I swear, it was as if the place itself didn't want to let us go. We made it out by the skin of our teeth, and I still get shivers thinking about it." The crowd erupted into appreciative murmurs and laughter, captivated by the tale.

As the older warrior finished his tale, a young mage by the name of Lysa, known for her cool demeanor and enigmatic presence, stood up with a slight, mysterious smile. The crowd fell silent, intrigued by her reputation for uncovering secrets.

Lysa was an arresting figure, tall and striking with her short, white hair and piercing amber eyes. Her brown dress, etched with shimmering symbols, hugged her frame and featured daring slits on both legs, revealing smooth, brown skin.

"That was quite a tale," she began, her voice calm and measured. "But allow me to recount my own encounter with a creature of Egyptian myth."

She took a moment to collect her thoughts, her gaze distant as if recalling an ancient memory. "I ventured into Amanai Cave, seeking a lost artifact rumored to be protected by a creature of legend. The caves are a labyrinth, filled with shadows and echoes, much like the ruins you described."

The crowd listened intently as she continued, her tone unwavering. "It was in the deepest chamber that I encountered a Bennu bird, a mythical creature said to be the embodiment of creation and renewal. The Bennu is described as a great heron with feathers of gold and eyes that shimmer like the morning sun."

She paused, her eyes meeting the crowd's with a cold, yet captivating intensity. "There it was, perched atop a golden pedestal... It looked as if it was assessing us. We were at a standstill, unsure how to proceed."

The mage's expression remained stoic as she described the moment. "I used an ancient spell, one from a long-forgotten text, to communicate with the Bennu. The spell was meant to invoke respect and understanding, and as I cast it, the creature's demeanor shifted. It allowed us to approach and retrieve the artifact."

The crowd responded with appreciative murmurs, captivated by her account. The older warrior nodded in respect. "Seems like we've both had our share of encounters with the extraordinary."

"Seems we have, Essam." Lysa smiled calmly.

Essam raised his mug. "To forgotten ruins, the Bennu and the divine powers that shape our adventures!" The room cheered, raising their mugs alongside the warrior.

Crater, still brimming with energy from the festivities, stood up and clinked his mug to get everyone's attention. "Alright, alright, I've got a story to share too!"

The crowd settled down, eager for more entertainment. Crater grinned, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "So, picture this: I was deep into the Crypt of Tears, Floor 41, hunting for treasure. I stumble into a chamber, and what do I find? A massive sand golem, right in the middle of the room. But that's not all—there's a band of Roman troops there too, all equally surprised to see me."

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a dramatic whisper. "Now, these Romans were no ordinary soldiers. They were tough, and the golem was a beast made of pure sand, ready to crush anything in its path. We were all trapped in that room together, and it looked like we'd have to fight our way out."

Crater chuckled, shaking his head. "Instead of starting a fight with the Romans—believe it or not, I actually fought alongside them! We joined forces against the golem. It was the first time I'd ever worked with a Roman without ending up in a brawl. We exchanged a few grunts and gestures, but it worked."

He raised his mug in a mock toast. "Turns out, Romans and I can get along just fine when faced with a giant sand monster." The crowd burst into laughter and applause, impressed by Crater's tale.

Khaelan glanced at Nubi from across the table. "Want to head out to the courtyard?"

Nubi nodded, a grin on his face. "Yeah, Crater's not as good as Lysa at telling stories."

Khaelan chuckled and stood up. The two of them made their way to a pair of doors, pushing them open to step out into the courtyard, eager to enjoy a change of scenery.

Outside, in the guild's courtyard, the celebration continued under the stars. Lanterns hung from the trees, casting a soft, golden light over the scene. Some guild members used this time to practice their skills, engaging in friendly sparring bouts. The clinking of swords and the occasional cheer of a successful parry added to the lively atmosphere. Others sat in quieter corners, sharing more personal conversations.

"Khaelan!" a lively voice called out across the courtyard. Khaelan turned to see a dark-haired girl, dressed in Anubis-styled headdress and revealing clothing, sprinting towards him.

"Oh, Maye, it's you," Khaelan greeted, raising a hand in a wave. But he quickly noticed that Maye wasn't slowing down. "Maye?"

Without missing a beat, Maye launched herself at Khaelan, tackling him into a tight embrace. "Oh, my dear Lanny, I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

Nubi, watching in confusion, asked, "'Lanny'? Does she mean you, Khaelan?"

Khaelan, struggling to get free from Maye's enthusiastic hold, grunted, "M-Maye! I-It's good to see you too, but I can barely m-mov—whuahh!"

Before he could react, Maye had swiftly tied a rope around Khaelan's wrists, pulling it tight. The pressure made his arms feel numb. Maye's heterochromatic eyes, bright orange and blue, were inches from his as she smiled innocently.

"Now that I have you all to myself, I'm never letting you leave my side," she said casually, her smile never faltering.

Khaelan's eyes widened in shock. "Wh-wh—what!? Nubi, aren't you gonna help me?"

Looking around desperately, Khaelan saw that Nubi had disappeared. Instead, he spotted Nubi running frantically, dodging arrows from a group of archers who were using him as target practice...

Khaelan's shoulders slumped, and he let out a resigned sigh. "Why me?"

"Maye, get your hands off Khaelan this instant!" Isis's voice rang out as she emerged from the door, her gaze fierce. She marched over, glaring at Maye with eyes like flames. Maye giggled, unsheathing a dagger and swiftly cutting the ropes binding Khaelan.

"Oh, Isis, you've always been so jealous," Maye teased, twirling the rope around her finger before sheathing her dagger.

"Khaelan doesn't belong to you, Maye," Isis said firmly. "You're acting crazy again."

Maye scoffed and sneered at Isis. "You're the one being unreasonable. Khaelan wants me as his wife, not you. Make peace with it, because it's happening."

Isis turned to Khaelan. "Do you have anything to say about this?"

To their surprise, Khaelan was no longer where he had been. The two women watched as he chased Nubi around the courtyard, trying to dodge arrows and save his sister's panicking familiar at the same time.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from inside. Isis and Maye rushed through the door and into the lobby, only to find everyone gathered around a chaotic scene. Crater and Essam were locked in a drunken brawl, their movements wild and unrestrained.

"RAAAAA!" Essam roared as he threw a right jab followed by a left hook, which Crater dodged with ease. Being leaner, Crater maneuvered around Essam's massive swings with surprising agility.

"You fight like a woman!" Crater taunted, ducking under another swing.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME!?" Essam bellowed, charging forward with a clenched fist. Crater sidestepped, and Essam's punch smashed through the bar counter, splintering the wood and drawing gasps and whistles from the crowd.

"Ugh, not these idiots fighting again," Isis scoffed, crossing her arms in exasperation.

Maye giggled. "Sybil isn't going to be very happy about the bar. Kick his ass, Crater!"

Isis rolled her eyes at Maye's rambunctiousness as the fight raged on. Crater landed a series of calculated strikes to Essam's abdomen, but the giant barely flinched. He finished with a spinning kick, but Essam caught his ankle before it could land. With a powerful heave, Essam tossed Crater into the lobby wall, leaving a massive hole. The room gasped in shock, and Isis grimaced, shaking her head in disapproval while Maye clapped enthusiastically.

"Enough!" Sybil's sultry voice cut through the chaos as she entered the room. "This is the fourth time this month I've had to repair our headquarters. If you want to fight, the courtyard is where you do it!"

The room fell silent, everyone waiting for Sybil's next words. Khaelan and Nubi, having escaped the danger of the arrows, stood beside Sybil. She raised a glass, her voice clear and commanding.

"To all of you," she began, "to our guild, our adventures, and the bonds we share. We are more than just comrades; we are family. Tonight, we celebrate not just our victories, but the spirit that unites us all. The spirit of life, and in turn, the spirit of death. Anubis, our guide to the afterlife, has taken great favor on our guild. Tonight, may our voices rise up in praise. We live to the fullest while we're in this world, but when death meets us at our door, which it will for all of us... We will welcome it. Because we—are—death."

"We are death," the room echoed in unison.

Cheers and applause erupted, glasses clinking as everyone joined in the toast.