forgive me - [July 6th, 2020]

I saw the way your eyes sparkled - when I handed my work in on time, complete and all. I saw the way you stared down at me and yelled, sending me to the principal's office. I saw the way you stared down at me hopeful of my future, only to be upset in the end- knowing i handed nothing in. I saw the way your eyes dimmed of that light that was once there at the beginning of the year.

I saw the way your eyes glared at me when asking me why I wasn't handing things in, i saw the way your eyes looked when you tried to understand me, i saw the way you looked when you said that what i was feeling wasn't valid, I saw the way you looked when I took the check out of my pocket - the large sum of money written on paper in my hands.

I saw the way you cared when I told you that I was struggling and that i felt like i was drowning, I saw the way you looked when I told you that vital information, I saw the look you had on your face once I told you what had happened, I saw the way you looked at me when I shared my secrets to you, I saw the way your heart ached when I cried in your office. I saw the way you looked at me when the light from my eyes returned while talking to you.

I saw you stare at me and silently wish that I had a better childhood