sometimes i remember the time when i was told lies about a server and forced to spread it - causing me to be banned from said server.
sometimes i remember the time when i had a curious cat, the hate and pain that came with the triggering and rude comments/questions
sometimes i remember the time when i was bullied by my classmates for being neurodivergent - bullied for using a computer in class
sometimes i remember the time i was bullied by my friends older brother
sometimes i remember the time i moved cities, returned for a visit and none of my friends remembered me
sometimes i remember the time my best friend was forced to bully me- by another girl, I still dont know why
sometimes i remember the time i got into the art school of my dreams, only to find out i was moving two months later.
sometimes i remember the time when my middle school friends dropped off the face of the earth - not wanting to stay in contact with me anymore
sometimes i remember the time that my high school friends forgot who i was once i left for college
sometimes i forcefully forget my past
sometimes i forcefully repress all my memories of highschool
sometimes i forcefully repress memories from a camp that i worked at for one summer.
most times i forget basic things, but sometimes - i like to forget it all.