
Chapter 1: Awakening

The morning sun cast a warm glow through the silk curtains, painting patterns of light and shadow across the opulent chamber where Xue Feng lay. The room bespoke wealth and refinement—polished marble floors, intricately carved furnishings, and the faint scent of exotic incense that lingered in the air. It was a room fit for nobility, a stark contrast to the memories that slowly trickled back into Xue Feng's consciousness.

He stirred on the plush bedding, his dark hair tousled like that of Madara Uchiha, and his eyes, when he finally opened them, glinted with an intensity akin to that of a serpent. At thirteen, he found himself straddling two worlds—the ordinary life of a teenager and the extraordinary existence as a scion of the Feng family, ranked tenth in both wealth and strength across the vast continent.

The Feng family's influence extended far and wide, though they held sway over only one city—a fact concealed beneath layers of reputation and alliances with other powerful clans. Xue Feng's awakening in this lavish chamber marked the beginning of a journey that would intertwine his past life on Earth with the ambitions and intrigues of his powerful family.

As he pieced together the fragments of memory, footsteps approached outside the chamber. The heavy oak door swung open with a faint creak, revealing figures of authority and power silhouetted against the morning light. Xue Feng's parents entered—his mother, graceful and ethereal, with eyes that mirrored his own serpentine gaze, and his father, a towering presence exuding command and calculation.

"Xue Feng, you're awake," his father's voice boomed, carrying both relief and expectation.

Xue Feng nodded slowly, his mind racing to reconcile the memories of his past life with the reality of his present situation. His family, despite their wealth and influence, harbored darker ambitions in a world where strength dictated one's fate. They maneuvered with cunning and ruthlessness, heedless of the consequences their actions wrought upon others. Yet, Xue Feng clung to the morals he brought from Earth—a reluctance to inflict harm or force his will upon others, even in the cutthroat world of cultivation and power struggles.

His thoughts turned to Jormungandr, his martial soul—a creature inspired by Norse mythology, manifesting as a purple serpent adorned with gleaming white scales. Unlike other martial souls with distinct personalities, Jormungandr served as an extension of Xue Feng's will—a versatile entity capable of shifting forms, binding adversaries with its serpentine coils, or fragmenting into smaller, agile entities to outmaneuver foes. Its regenerative prowess set it apart, ensuring that Xue Feng could rise again from defeat, stronger and more determined.

In this world, Xue Feng found himself cast as the villain—a role shaped by destiny and the narrative arc of a protagonist protected by plot armor. The protagonist had once stripped Xue Feng of everything—wealth, privilege, and even the comfort of familial affection. Yet, rather than nurse a grudge, Xue Feng resolved to focus on honing his skills and cultivating strength. Revenge against the protagonist could wait; for now, he would navigate the intricacies of his family's expectations and enjoy the privileges afforded by his birthright.

As he contemplated his future, Xue Feng couldn't help but marvel at the contradictions of his new life. Here he was, awakening in a chamber fit for royalty, yet burdened by the knowledge of his family's darker deeds. The dichotomy between luxury and ambition, privilege and moral compass, tugged at his consciousness—a reminder that his journey would be fraught with challenges, both external and internal.

Outside the chamber, the bustling sounds of servants attending to their duties filtered through the air. The Feng estate hummed with activity, a testament to the family's stature and influence in the region. Xue Feng would need to navigate this world of alliances and rivalries, where alliances were forged with a blade's edge and power shifted like sand in the wind.

His mother approached him, her eyes softening with a mixture of affection and calculation. "You must be hungry, Xue Feng. Shall we have breakfast together?" she asked, her voice carrying a melodic tone that belied the steel beneath.

Xue Feng nodded, rising from the bed with a grace that spoke of innate strength and determination. As they walked through the corridors adorned with ancient tapestries and shimmering chandeliers, Xue Feng observed the subtle shifts in power dynamics within his family. Servants bowed respectfully, their gazes lowered in deference to the Feng name—a reminder of the hierarchy that governed their world.

Breakfast was served in a grand hall adorned with marble columns and gilded tapestries depicting scenes of battle and conquest. The Feng family emblem—a coiled serpent etched in silver—gleamed proudly above the hearth. Xue Feng's father presided over the meal with a presence that commanded respect, discussing matters of trade and alliances with a consortium of advisors and emissaries.

"Xue Feng," his father began, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "you are at a crucial juncture in your cultivation. Our martial soul, holds great potential. It is imperative that you harness its abilities and cultivate your strength. Our family's reputation rests on your shoulders."

Xue Feng listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. His martial soul, with its unparalleled regenerative abilities and versatile combat techniques seemed to have mutated due to his reincarnation as both the host martial soul had combined. Jormungand the mythological snake from his past life and the fangs giving him the ability to devour energy to manipulate it size, and multiply itself, this held the key to his ascent in a world where strength determined one's fate. Yet, he remained acutely aware of the moral compass that guided his actions—a reminder of the humanity he carried from his previous life.

After breakfast, Xue Feng retreated to the training grounds—a sprawling expanse of manicured gardens and ancient stone pillars etched with the history of his ancestors. Here, amidst the whispers of wind and the distant clang of spears, he honed his skills with Jormungandr, each movement fluid and precise. The serpent-like martial soul responded to his commands with an instinctive grace, its coils weaving through the air like a dance of predators. he practiced the feng families martial art with 4 stars called snake ascension to dragon hood, which involved the martial soul coiling around the spear which can rotate, stab, defend any attack. It like being one with the spear but using one's soul. The final form of this martial arts looks like several Chinese dragon ascending the sky. This suits him best as Jorgungand can manipulate its form, causing the martial art to be more deadly.

Hours passed in a blur as Xue Feng pushed himself to the limits of endurance, sweat glistening on his brow and muscles straining with effort. He lost himself in the rhythm of combat, each strike and parry a testament to his determination to master Jormungandr's abilities. The martial soul responded in kind, adapting to his will and strengthening their bond with every passing moment.

As dusk settled over the Feng estate, Xue Feng stood amidst the fading light—a silhouette of determination against the backdrop of a world steeped in intrigue and ambition. His path was set, his resolve unyielding. With Jormungandr by his side and the memories of two lives guiding him, he would carve a destiny forged in strength and tempered by the moral compass that defined his humanity.

The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, both external and internal. Yet, Xue Feng knew that with each step, he moved closer to his goal—to confront the protagonist of his narrative, to defy destiny itself, and to claim victory against all odds.