Triumphant Entry

The journey back was smooth sailing for the group.

Sure, they were attacked by one or two Monsters, but none of them were a challenge for the fully realized Six Star Adventurers.

They even managed to capture one A-Tier Monster, courtesy of Lux's Wind Magic. As expected, it was a lot easier for her to handle one Monster than over forty.

The beast couldn't even move under the Wind Constraints. It just helplessly remained still as the lady in white easily carried it with her winds as they exited the Dead Zone.

"With this A-Tier Monster, you should be able to organize the next Heroic Rank Test without needing to go to the Dead Zone." Jet finally broke the silence as he addressed Britta, who was gawking at the subjugated creature.

"A-ah, yes!"

Britta's clumsy response, and her flustered face was easy to read. Ever since she was saved by Jet, she had been acting rather strange.

Her face would turn red at certain instances, and she constantly felt her heart race anytime she heard his voice. Despite constantly being nervous to talk to Jet, for reasons she had no idea of, she also desired to talk to him a lot.

This paradoxical mix of emotions nearly caused steam to rise from her head as she covered her face with her hands.

"U-um… Are you really sure about giving the Guild this Monster?" After organizing her thoughts, Britta finally responded.

Before they left the forest, the group managed to harvest the Monster Corpses. They couldn't take all the parts, but they made sure to collect the most useful ones.

Thankfully, Jet had a Spatial Ring—same as Lux—so it they were able to lessen the load a little. Despite that, however, both Jet and Britta carried huge sacks that contained more Monster parts.

Lux was busy carrying the living A-Tier Monster, so no one really bothered her.

As for the leftover parts of the Monsters, the Adventurer Guild would announce their existence, and interested Adventurers popularly dubbed 'Scavengers' would venture out to retrieve them for themselves.

This wasn't the first time such a thing was happening—though it never occurred at such a big scale—so Britta knew just what to do.

When Jet asked about the safety of the Scavengers, considering how the territory they hunted in belonged to A-Tier Monsters, Britta reassured him. Scavengers were professionals who were experts in stealth and weren't the type to engage the enemy no matter what.

As long as they remained lowkey, they were bound to be fine.

"Besides, Adventurers risk their lives all the time. If they desire the spoils of other people's labor, then they had better work for it a little." She also added.

The current Britta wasn't as coldhearted as she was before this experience with Jet and Lux, so she indeed considered the safety of the Scavengers. However, considering how so many A-Tier Monsters were killed by them, other Monsters were bound to stay away from the clearing.

Even the bravest A-Tier Monsters had the instinct of self-preservation.

"The Guild will surely be able to make better use of it. Like I said… you can use it for the next test." Jet responded to Britta, bringing her mind back to the current conversation.

Once again, she yelped without realizing it.

'Why does his voice always startle me? What is this feeling in my chest?' She had no idea what to call it.

It almost felt like the kind of feeling she had when she was thrust into battle, or anytime she entered the 'zone' of fighting.

It was unsettling, invigorating—also mildly frightening.

Yet… she couldn't put a label on it.


"I don't think any Heroic Rank Test will be held anytime soon." She brushed aside those thoughts and replied, hoping she didn't take too long to come up with a response.

"There aren't many people these days who are crazy—I mean, skilled enough—to attempt such a Test."

"Hmm… is that so?" Jet responded, a small smile forming on his face.

Britta didn't know what caused him such amusement. She wanted to know so badly.

'Was it something I said?!' Her thoughts rang.

"Do you disagree?" In the end, she had to continue the conversation as seamlessly as possible.

For a moment, Jet made no response. The three simply walked in silence, nearing the entrance of the City.


"I'm not sure, but… I have a feeling that someone crazy—I mean, skilled—enough will attempt this Test."

—He finally spoke in his calm, deep voice.

"R-really? Well… that would be quite the surprise."

Jet merely nodded at Britta's words, and he said nothing else for the rest of their journey.

In a way, it was a relief to her. She could finally assess her thoughts in a calm, mature manner. However, she also couldn't get her mind off the Jet.

Ultimately, Britta was unable to process anything. She merely kept glancing at Jet, hoping he would say something else, for the rest of their journey.

'Arrgh! What the hell is happening to me!'


To say the City was in an uproar afterseeing the triumphant entry of Jet and Lux would be a gross understatement.

Shock was evident on the faces of practically everyone who gazed upon them. Many cast their sights on the heavy sacks that both Jet and Britta carried, but the center of attention for most was the chained A-Tier Monster that floated above Lux's head.

Most couldn't tell what Tier the Monster was, but for those who did… they nearly passed out just from setting their eyes on such a dangerous entity so close to where they lived.

No one needed a confirmation as to whether they passed or failed.

The results spoke for themselves.

And so, as Jet and Lux proceeded into the doors of the Adventurers Guild, and eventually emerged from within it with their 6 Star Badges, no one could contest their competence.

They knew for a fact that the two were more than deserving of their positions.

The only role they had to play was to cheer as loudly as possible for the new Heroic Rank Adventurers of the City.

Jet and Lux—without the shadow of a doubt—had cemented themselves in the annals of history as the first Adventurers to climb up the ranks so quickly.

… The first to pass the Heroic Rank Test as mere candidates.