Seeking Safety

Paisley's fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles strained against the leather as she focused intently on the road ahead. The only sound in the car was the throaty purr of the engine and the occasional screech of the tires on the asphalt. Sam broke the tense silence.

"Are we almost there?" he asked, his voice low and strained. The worry etched across his face mirrored that of his friends.

Liam shrugged, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror, taking in the tense expressions of his companions. "I think we're getting close. When we get there we'll see if we can figure out what the plan is for dealing with you know... them." He trailed off, the memory of the infected's frenzied faces still fresh in his mind.

Sam's face suddenly paled at the mention of the infected. "Wait... isn't the hospital where they're taking all the—?" He didn't need to finish his sentence. "I know," Liam interrupted, "but it's our best chance. We don't have any other leads and we need to find my mum and Noah."

Paisley's determination remained unwavering. "Besides, the infected are everywhere. We need a safe place to catch our breath and think." She steered the car toward the familiar complex, her eyes narrowing with focus.

As they approached the hospital, the trio fell silent, taking in the eerie stillness that enveloped the normally bustling area. The parking lot was completely devoid of people, the wind whispering through the empty vehicles.

Liam was the first to speak, his voice carrying a note of disbelief. "This place is creepily quiet," he observed, taking in the absence of any human presence. "I mean, where is everyone?"

Sam shook his head slowly, his eyes scanning the desolate surroundings. "Maybe we should keep moving this place doesn't feel right."

Paisley's eyes darted around, and she slowly scanned the area. "We need supplies," she stated firmly. "This is our chance to get what we need, and we won't be here long."

With cautious steps, the three friends exited the car and approached the hospital's sliding doors. The unnaturally quiet atmosphere heightened their sense of unease, and they exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the danger they could be about to enter.

As they stepped inside, the scent of the sterile environment and faint traces of cleaner greeted them. The lobby was eerily deserted, its usual bustling activity replaced by an ominous stillness. The group paused, taking in the strange quiet.

"This place gives me the creeps," Sam whispered, his eyes scanning the empty desks and abandoned chairs.

"We won't be long," Paisley assured them, determination masking her own unease. "Let's just focus on finding supplies and getting out."

They moved quietly through the corridors, their footsteps echoing on the tile floors. The hospital's eerie silence was broken only by the soft rustle of wind against the windows and the occasional creak of the building.

Liam's eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the half-deserted medical rooms and the remnants of hurried departures—a discarded mask, a fallen tray with half-used vials, and scattered notes on desks. The urgency of the recent events was etched into every corner.

"It's like everyone just disappeared," he whispered, a chill running down his spine. Sam nodded, his gaze fixed on the doors ahead. "Maybe they evacuated? Or... or got infected?" he suggested, his voice trailing off at the bleak possibility.

Paisley's steps faltered for a moment, but she squared her shoulders and continued forward. "We'll never know unless we keep moving. Let's stick to the plan and find the medical supplies we need."

They turned down a corridor, and Liam's heart rate quickened as he recognized the emergency ward. They pushed open the doors, revealing a chaotic scene of abandoned stretchers and medical equipment. The group's eyes widened at the sight of a crumpled figure on the floor, their face partially hidden by a mask.

Sam took a cautious step forward, his hand extended toward the motionless form. Suddenly, the figure stirred, and with a groan, it sat up, revealing a young nurse.

The nurse's eyes darted wildly around the room, and she clutched her stethoscope tightly in her hands. "It's bad... really bad," she managed, her voice strained. "The infected... they're everywhere. We had to evacuate... some of us made it out, but many didn't."

Liam stepped closer, concern etched across his freckled face. "What happened to the patients? And the other staff?"

Nurse Grace shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. "Some turned aggressive... started attacking others. We had no choice but to leave them. It was every man for themselves." She paused, taking a shuddering breath. "I hid in a supply closet until I thought it was safe to come out."

Liam's face was pale, but he spoke firmly. "Don't worry, we're not infected. We're trying to find my brother and my mum."

The nurse's eyes widened, and she scrutinized the group carefully. "You look like you've had a rough time of it too. I'm afraid I don't know where your mum and brother are but maybe you three can help me, and I can try and help you." She stood up unsteadily, her gaze becoming determined. "Follow me. There's a stockroom nearby with medical supplies. I was sent up to grab more cloth bandages."

The group trailed behind Nurse Grace as she navigated the hospital's maze-like corridors, their eyes alert for any signs of danger. The nurse's footsteps were steady, her determination infectious. She led them to a small room, packed floor to ceiling with medical supplies.

"This should have the bandages I need," she explained, her voice regaining some of its professional calm. "Please, take a handful each of you."

Liam, Sam, and Paisley set to work, gathering as many bandages as their arms could carry. They moved efficiently, their eyes scanning the room's contents.

"What you have there should be plenty," Nurse Grace assured them, keeping watch at the door. "The hospital has a large stockpile to manage emergencies. We just need to be cautious and smart about how much we can carry."

Paisley added one last roll of bandages to her pile and turned to the nurse. "How long ago did all this happen? And what about the government? Won't they step in to help?"

Nurse Grace's face became grave. "It's only been a few days since the outbreak started. All the medical staff worked together, trying to contain it, but... things escalated too quickly. We lost control, and orders came from above to evacuate the city. Some of the nurses stayed behind to help, but most left in the chaos."

Sam's brow furrowed. "Evacuate to where? And what about the infected? Is anyone trying to contain them?"

The nurse shook her head solemnly. "The infection spreads fast and furiously. Those who aren't infected are trying to get out of the city, trying to contain them is too dangerous. It's every man for himself out there." She paused, her eyes lowering in sorrow. "I'm sorry. I don't have any more information. All we can do is help each other and hope for the best."

Liam's eyes drifted to the stack of supplies they had gathered, a grim determination settling in his gaze. "We're not leaving anyone behind. We'll do what we can to help."

Nurse Grace smiled weakly, her hazel eyes glinting with determination matching their own. "That's what makes me hopeful. The world needs more people like you. Now, let's get these supplies moving. We can make a difference."

The group followed Nurse Grace back through the empty corridors, their arms loaded with bandages. As they approached the lobby, the nurse's steps faltered, and she motioned for them to stop.

"We should be careful," she whispered, her eyes fixed on the main entrance. "I hear noises outside—people shouting. It doesn't sound good."

Sam's brow furrowed, and he moved closer to the windows, peering into the night. "I can see infected. A lot of them."

Liam's heart sank as the reality of their situation hit home. "We can't go back out there yet. It's too risky."

Paisley's eyes scanned the surroundings, her mind racing. "Maybe we can find another way out—a back entrance or something."

Nurse Grace nodded. "There's an ambulance entrance in the ER that leads outside. It's our best chance. Follow me."

They trailed the nurse, their footsteps echoing ominously in the empty hospital. The tension mounted with each passing moment, and the shouts outside grew louder, interspersed with the smashing of glass and the clatter of debris.

"We're almost there," Nurse Grace assured them, her voice strained, As they walked through the ER. "Everyone stay close," Liam whispered, his voice carrying an edge of urgency.

The muffled sounds of chaos from outside made the hair on the back of their necks stand up as they inched forward slowly. Suddenly the faint sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence, and the friends exchanged worried glances.

Nurse Grace took a cautious step forward. "Hello?" she called out, her voice echoing slightly in the enclosed space.

The reply was immediate. "Grace! Thank God I found you. Are you hurt?" Recognition dawned on the nurse's face, and she sighed with relief. "Dr. Walsh! I can't believe you're still here. I found these kids and they want to help."

The darkness was pierced by the beam of a flashlight, its weak light revealing a tall man with a kind face. "A small group of us hid in the basement and set up a temporary clinic down there," Nurse Grace explained, her eyes scanning Dr.Walsh's pale face. " We have dozens of wounded patients downstairs." Dr. Walsh gazed back at Nurse Grace for a brief moment and nodded in understanding. "Then let's go. The injured are waiting."

Guided by the nurse's flashlight, the group made their way carefully through the dark corridors, and down a flight of concrete stairs. The basement level smelled of blood and carried a weight of urgency. The room was a bustling hub of activity, with medical staff rushing to tend to the injured.

Nurse Grace directed Liam, Sam, and Paisley to a table piled high with supplies before rushing off to join her colleagues. As directed they dropped off the bandages on the table and began organizing and sorting the items, their hands working swiftly under the watchful eyes of a weary doctor.

"Thank you for your help," the weary doctor said, his voice sincere as he oversaw their work. "We're doing our best to stabilize the patients, but it's a constant struggle. Every additional pair of hands makes a difference."

Sam's eyes swept the room, taking in the grim reality of their situation. "What about the infected? Are they nearby?"

The doctor's face grew grave. "Some tried to make their way down here during the chaos. We've managed to keep them out for now, but it may only be a matter of time.

Liam's hands paused in their task, and he looked up at the doctor. "How many infected do you think we're talking about? And are they... are they still human?"

The weary doctor sighed, his eyes drifting to a closed door nearby. "Thousands by now. They're aggressive, and yes, they're still human, but the infection changes them. It's like a switch is flipped, and they become someone else entirely." He paused, his face darkening with the memory. "We've been able to... restrain one of them for now."

Paisley's brow furrowed, and she stepped closer to the doctor. "What if we could help? Is there any way to treat them, or at least keep them contained?"

The doctor's eyes flickered with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "We're doing our best, but the military's evacuation order complicates matters. We have limited resources and manpower. Any ideas would be welcome."

Liam exchanged glances with his friends as the weary doctor brought the conversation to an end, "We'll think of something but let's focus on helping the injured patients first, and then we'll figure out a plan for the infected."

The night slipped away as the group worked tirelessly to aid the injured. Outside, the sun peaked on the horizon, casting an orange hue through the basement windows. The hospital had transformed into a hive of activity, its walls now echoing with the sounds of pain, hope, and determination.

As the night sky filled with the morning sunlight, Liam stepped outside to gather his thoughts. The events of their night weighed heavily on his mind, and he needed a moment's peace. Sam joined him, sensing the weight on his friend's shoulders.

The hospital basement had transformed into a makeshift camp, with tents springing up to offer shelter to those who had stayed behind. The air was filled with the scent of blood and disinfectant, and several figures moved about, their actions purposeful in the growing crisis.

Sam leaned against the wall, his eyes gazing out at the unfolding scene. "This feels like a bad dream, doesn't it? I keep waiting to wake up."

Liam nodded, his eyes fixed on the sunrise. "It's surreal. But we're alive, and we have a chance to make a difference here. We can't give up."

A soft smile played on Sam's lips. "We're not the types to give up, are we? Especially not when people need our help."

Their eyes met for a moment, and Sam felt a rush of warmth spread through him. He quickly looked away, pretending to be engrossed in the morning sunrise, but his cheeks felt warm, and he knew he was blushing. He couldn't shake the flutter in his chest that he got whenever he was alone with Liam.

The awkward moment was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps, and Paisley joined them, her face illuminated by the glow of her smartphone. "I've been doing some digging. Found some interesting stuff online about this outbreak."

Liam's curiosity piqued, and he moved closer, his eyes on the screen. "What have you found?"

Paisley tapped the display, bringing up a news article. "It's being called the 'Silverhurst Plague.' Some think it's a mutated strain of influenza that causes aggressive behavior and delusions. Others claim it's a biological weapon that leaked out."

Sam's brow furrowed. "A biological weapon? That's crazy. Who would do such a thing?"

"Conspiracy theorists are having a field day," Paisley explained, scrolling through the articles. "Some even blame it on terrorists or a government experiment gone wrong. But the truth is, no one really knows."

Liam's mind raced, processing the new information. "It doesn't matter who's to blame right now. We need to focus on survival and helping those who need it." He paused, determination setting in his jaw. "We'll figure out the whys and hows later."

Paisley pocketed her phone and nodded, her eyes glinting in the fading light. "You're right. We've got bigger fish to fry. But knowing the enemy helps, doesn't it?"

Sam sighed, his eyes drifting to the tent where Nurse Grace and Dr. Walsh tended to the injured. "This feels so helpless. Like we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"We won't just sit here and wait," Liam asserted, his voice steady. "We'll make a plan. Together." He clapped a hand on Sam's shoulder, and the two shared a resolute glance.

Paisley's eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and fear. "I have faith in us. Let's go inside and help those who need us. Today is going to be another big day."