Before departing, I had a meeting with all the V4RU department chief officers. There was nothing really new as everything was going rather well but it was always better to leave instruction before leaving and it showed people that I did care about the company too. Unfortunately for them, I had a shopping list.

'John, I want you to represent me in the meetings with the leaders of the other companies in the Shipyard project. Now, that the government has agreed to give everyone participating a package of fiscal benefits and taxes exceptions, I think it will be easier to make the other companies accept the project.'

'It's not going to be that easy, Sir, but I think I can manage.'

'Good. I let that in your very capable hands.'

'Bertrand, I want you and your team to look at everything necessary for TMM to restart production of the Snowden. From financial aid to technical expertise.'

'No problem, but why ? As far as I know you don't have any shares in that company.'

'Not yet, no. But that kind of station is useful for the Concordat and for us in order to obtain several more resources. I want to know what is necessary to build more.'

'Gilbert, could you work with Bertrand and find designs, free of any patent, of course, of some security and police 'Mechs ? I think those are going to be the next generations of VMI designs.'

'Sure boss, easy to do.'

At the end of the meeting I asked Lise to stay.

'Lise, I have a delicate mission for you. You and a selected team of your choice are going to take the Trojan and go along with the next VMI delivery to the League world of Kalidasa. I have arranged for one of the worlds on the route to be the abandoned New Dallas. You and your team will exit the JumpShip there and go to the planet. Your objective is an underground installation in Caddo City, below the military barracks. I want the datacore from the Hegemony Intelligence that is supposed to still be there. Don't forget to study the return timetable of the VMI JumpShip because it will be your only ticket out. For VMI, your cover is that your are looking for some loot for Bertrand's group, like you have done several times in the past. If you get something useful to show the better, but it is not really important.'

'Very strange mission, boss. Why keep it a secret and why don't you go there with the Revenants or in a combined mission with the TMI ?'

'First I'll be busy hunting bandits in the Pirates Haven's Cluster and I plan to be very visible. Second, if that datacore still exists, I want that data for us. Both missions with VMI and the TDF showed us that they are very adept at taking all the good toys; leaving us with the scraps.'

'Very nice scraps, boss.'

'Yes, that's right, but they are nothing compared to the real value of the things we provided them with. I want this to be very discreet as I fear that someone has taken an interest in us and not a healthy one, I'm afraid. You are going to need anti-rad suits and some cargo / excavator 'Mechs.'

'Ok, boss, I think I can do that. I will take some time to put together a team and get ready, but I can do it.'

'Thanks, Lise, and remember we never had this conversation.'

Before departing, I asked Dr. Murad if she was interested in coming with us. Boy, I never saw anyone packing his things so fast.

When I was in the corridor, Subaltern Christine Marais came to me with a confused expression on her face.

'Mister Bassot, why do we also have to transport a team from the University of New Vandenberg ? As far as I know this is a purely military mission.'

'Well, Subaltern Marais, we have two missions, one military and another civilian. While you have been fully informed about the military side of the operation, it seems that you somehow missed the civilian side. The specialists from the University are going to analyze if the planets Badlands and Lorkdal are still considered viable to establish colonies after we clean them of pirate presence.'

'And why didn't I get info about that mission ?' asked the beautiful blonde with a stress on her normally suave voice.

'Merely a failure of communication I guarantee you. Because that part is purely civilian, it seems some of the papers were not send to you. I ask for your forgiveness, Subaltern.'