TTI (Taurus Territorial Industries), a long time adversary of VMI, now had a solid support in the political group that opposed the Arano-Bassot family inside the Concordat, heavily lobbying for selling their own production to the TDF and the militia.

The principal focus of the company had been in the last decades the aerospace and vehicles divisions, with their 'Mech department being neglected. However, in the last years of the 40s they had upgraded their production and assembling lines and by now, they were able to produce not only the brand new and advanced Assault 'Mech, having got the contract for the Pillager -PLG-3Z but also Locust (1V) and Wasp (3A), while still producing older designs. Thanks to their investments, they were able to produce about 10 new 'Mechs per month, on each line.

But their true jewel was the new Wolverine WVR-7TC, replacing the old 6R line. A brand new variant, the result of the in-house research team and a very capable medium even if a bit too ammo dependent.

The engine had been replaced by a XL model and the armor upgraded to FF, while both torso sides received CASE. For weapons the SRM-6 was kept, while the Medium Laser was replaced by a Pulse one and the AC/5 by a Gauss Rifle. The Heat Sins were also upgraded to 10 Freezers, turning the 'Mech in an oversinked one, capable of pushing its limits even in the most demanding grounds. The only limitation was that both the SRM-6 and the Gauss Rifle only had one ton of ammo each.

After evaluating the first prototype, the TDF ordered two changes before it would buy some. They wanted the Laser to become an ER one and the Gauss Rifle ammo to be increased to two tons. The changes were easy to implement and once done, the TDF immediately bought the entire first year of production.

The cheap Wasp and Locust were bought in bulk by the TDF to fill the quotas of Light 'Mechs in several units and the rest was sold to Militia units or exported, for cash strapped mercenaries that needed 'Mechs but didn't have the money for the most expensive ones.

Pinard Protectorates Limited (PPL), that already produced the Toro II under license, started the production of several variants of the Phoenix Hawk. The budget one was the standard PXH-1, the other two were the PXH-TC1, that removes both machine guns and respective ammo, upgrading the Heat Sinks with Freezers, while upgrading the Laser to an ER one while adding a Small Laser and a Beagle Active Probe. The TC2 only differed from the TC1 by exchanging the BAP for a Guardian ECM Suite.

Continuing their long policy of cross-licensing with VMI, PPL traded the licenses of these 'Mechs in exchange for the rights to produce the Jack II and the Colibri (the PA(L) produced by VMI), also with Coromodir Heavy Industries, even if for now VMI and CHI didn't have the budget to start the production of new lines.

Several mercenary units with long-term contracts with the TDF like Gordon's Armored Cavalry were also offered to become house units, meaning that by early 3052 the number of mercenary formations inside the Concordat was at an all-time low, none bigger than a battalion.

At the same time, Jean-Luc found evidences in the files from the Taurian R&D that decades ago a team had found out a leak towards making sub-capital weapons and even produced some workable models. After the mandatory cursing, he began working on securing the funds needed to produce these weapons while passing the information to the teams working on WarShips and Pocket WarShips.

Note.: 'Mech production in the Taurian Concordat in mid 3052