An unexpected (or not) consequence of the Capellan Confederation invasion of Zion Province was the end of the civil war in the former FWL.

The two major groups – the Duchy of Oriente and the Marik Commonwealth, having absorbed/conquered basically all the remaining survivors, and being too exhausted to achieve a clear winner and , with the threat of Capellan Confederation continuing to conquer systems while they were busy with each other, finally reached a ceasefire / truce.

In a rare (for a civil war) display of pragmatism, taking into account their situation, they finally decided, albeit begrudgingly, to recognize the other side as an independent nation and no longer as rebel provinces.

This agreement led to a significant number of troops from both sides moving to their borders with the Capellan Confederation, although (due to the trust in each other) a substantial number remained on the common borders.

At the end of 3064, both States launched new WarShips. Interestingly, both were Zechetinu II class Corvettes.

When they tried to resume the official contacts with other nations, the situation was curious. For starters, in a bit of schadenfreude, nobody gave any side the older ex-FWL embassies, with, curiously, all nations using the argument that that the older Free Worlds League was no more and that they were new nations. Also, both sides were much poorer, in debt, and weaker than the FWL ever had been. So, it was obvious that they wouldn't/couldn't get the level of respect and/or attention they expected. In the end, both 'new' nations needed to find and equip new embassies in the other nations capitals but also consulates in several important systems or province capitals. Not surprisingly, because they were neighbors, the Duchy of Oriente got some interest from the MIM, while the Marik Commonwealth received more attention from the MIIO. Neighbors will always be neighbors, after all.

Meanwhile, in the Aurigan Province, with Sara and her new husband staying at least two more years on Taurus, and unsure that she would not be too influenced by the Calderons, Paul in the Outworlds Alliance, Kamea was busy training Peter to, should the need arise, handle the provincial government.

I, meanwhile, was busy creating a second RCT for the Revenants, taking advantage of the excellent production of the Province (and of my companies abroad) and of the surplus of trained personnel coming out of the local military schools. At this time, several infantry units, including Battle Armour, Jump, and Mechanized ones, as well as armored units were already undergoing training, while the BattleMech battalions were just starting theirs.

On the equipment front, the first generation Heavy Battle Armor we had been developing had been canceled, with many unresolved problems. Now, with the collaboration of Luthien Armor Works in the Combine and of Magesty Metals and Manufacturing in Canopus, a new design had been completed.

Inspired by the Marauder Mech, at 1,500kg but running only 11km/h, the MiniMad - as it immediately came to be known - had a Support PPC and an Anti-Personnel Weapon in each arm, a Light Recoiless Rifle or Battle Armour level Gauss Rifle in the right torso together with a Light TAG. It also had Magnetic Clamps which allowed it to be carried by friendly units.

Depending on the missions, the APW could be a Heavy Machine Gun, a Micro-Grenade Launcher or a scaled-up infantry Pulse Laser Rifle. The Light Recoilless Rifle had three types of ammunition - HE, FRAG or thermobaric.

While basically useless against Mechs and heavy armored vehicles, it was deadly against all types of infantry, PA(L) and BA, as well as unarmored or lightly armored vehicles.

Note: Basically a slightly improved/more versatile Marauder Battle Armor created OTL in 3110 by the Marian Hegemony.

In May 3064, CHI began industrially producing Clan level ER PPCs and Gauss Rifles.

A positive side of our research into new (ie from my home universe) chip production techniques was that it was easy for us to reproduce Clan electronics, such as Targeting Computers. As for Angel ECM and Bloodhound Active Probe, the ones we were starting to produce weighed half a ton and a ton less respectively than the standard ones. Prototypes in the lab weighted only one ton and two tons and occupied only one critical slot, but so far none had achieved – by a wide margin – the levels of ruggedness necessary for military components.

As for C3 Master and Slave Computers, LAW in collaboration with CHI was finalizing the second generation, which would be produced by both companies.

In September 3064, the shipyard at Coromodir V went into operation, starting to build, in 3 slots, Invaders. It was planned that by 3068, it would also be capable of producing Ajax Destroyers.

As for the shipyard in Detroit, it would become operational in 3066.