Chapter 30 Very Angry

Seafood City.

Inside a private room.

A man and a woman were sitting around the dining table, devouring various seafood dishes while chatting and occasionally bursting into hearty laughter. The man was Gao Fei, and the woman was Liu Mengyao.

"Gao Fei, with your impressive skills, it's really a waste for you not to be a cop," Liu Mengyao suddenly remarked.

"A cop?" Gao Fei was taken aback for a moment. "I've never really thought about it..."

"You could start thinking about it now," Liu Mengyao lifted her head and looked earnestly at Gao Fei. "If you want to be a cop, I can help you! I'm telling you, being a cop is prestigious. Not only do you have a stable income, but you can also protect the citizens..."

Gao Fei raised his hand to interrupt Liu Mengyao, "I'm not interested in being a cop."