Chapter 46 The Hateful Person

Hateful people always have something pitiable about them!

Yuan Dahai was quite pitiable! After toiling away to become a company leader, at the height of his life, he was dismissed by the company; then, after finally finding a girlfriend, she was murdered. Even someone as resilient as Yuan Dahai would collapse now.

After his breakdown, Yuan Dahai began his frenzied revenge, causing great turmoil in society.

"You are pitiable," sighed Liu Mengyao.

"I don't need your pity!" Yuan Dahai scoffed coldly, "You are not qualified to pity me!"

"Do you really want to be a fugitive for life?" Liu Mengyao said, "Living every day in hiding, suffering great pain deep inside, is this how you find meaning in life?"

"Being executed by your guns would be meaningful?!" Yuan Dahai roared.

Liu Mengyao shook her head. "That's not what I mean..."