Chapter 49 Not Coveting What People Love

"Mr. Luo, what type of jade ware do you usually carve?" Gao Fei asked.

"Jade," Luo Mingshan replied. "I mainly carve jade, though occasionally I also carve other types like white jade and Hotan jade."

Jade is a type of jade ware, also known as hard jade. Jade ware can primarily be divided into four categories: soft jade, hard jade, silicate jade, and other types of jade. Compared to other jades, jade has four main characteristics: a strong luster, high refractive index, high specific gravity, and high hardness. Among all jade stones, jade is considered the most valuable.

"There are some items in storage that I carved before. If you're interested, I can take you to see them," Luo Mingshan said.

Gao Fei and Shen Caidie, of course, had no objections.

After a satisfying meal, Luo Mingshan led Gao Fei and Shen Caidie to the storeroom, while Luo Zhongxing stayed behind to clean up the dining table. It was clear that Luo Zhongxing was a dutiful son, very filial towards Luo Mingshan.