Chapter 65 Really Hard Work_2

"Buzz... buzz... buzz..."

It wasn't long before Luo Mingshan's phone started ringing; he glanced at the screen and then handed the phone to Liu Chao, "It's for you! Take the call!"

"For me?" This time Liu Chao reacted. He hesitantly took the phone and pressed the answer button, "Hello... ah..." After hearing just one sentence, his complexion changed, turning ashen, then pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "Yes, yes, I understand... I know..."

After hanging up, the look Liu Chao cast at Luo Mingshan changed to one of panic and dread. Clearly the phone call had put considerable pressure on him. The caller was Liu Chao's biggest backer, who told Liu Chao that if he didn't want to end up in jail he should honestly answer Luo Mingshan's questions. Liu Chao could tell that the person he depended on for survival was very wary of Luo Mingshan.

"Can you talk now?" Luo Mingshan asked indifferently.