Chapter 91: The Wolf-Headed Monster

After looking at the nine paintings, Gao Fei's eyebrows immediately knitted together.

"What's the background of this wolf-headed monster? It can't be killed? This is simply incredible!"

"Who are the people besieging the wolf-headed monster, and why are they trying to kill it?"

And there's more... Who carved these nine paintings on the stone wall? What was their purpose?"

Questions abounded, confounding and unbelievable, shrouded in strangeness. Gao Fei racked his brains thinking, but couldn't come up with any answers.

"Let's go down and see what's at the end of the passageway." Gao Fei put aside his distracting thoughts and walked forward, circling around a few times before reaching the end of the passage. There was a similar stone gate, the surface smooth and even, covered with dust and spider webs.

With a gentle push, the gate opened silently...