Chapter 112 Auction

"You knew I was coming?" Dongfang Jian raised an eyebrow.

Gao Fei nodded, "I did, and it's precisely because I knew you were coming that I showed up."

Dongfang Jian's mouth twitched a few times, "What do you want?"

"Don't be nervous." Gao Fei waved his hand dismissively, "I just want to shoot the breeze and catch up with you, nothing more."

"I don't want to catch up with you!" After saying that, Dongfang Jian turned to leave.

"Hey, don't go." Gao Fei reached out to stop Dongfang Jian, "Why are you leaving as soon as you get here?" He said with a smile beginning to form at the corner of his mouth, "Are you scared of me?"

"Scared of you?" Dongfang Jian glared, "Me, scared of you? What a joke! In this world, there is no one that Dongfang Jian is afraid of! There wasn't in the past, there isn't now, and there won't be in the future!"

"If you're not scared of me, then why are you leaving?"

"I... I have things to do..."

"Things to do? Like what?"

"Why should I tell you!"
