Chapter 192: You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover

"Honorable envoy, may I ask what position you hold within the Ninefold Mountain Sect?" Gao Fei inquired.

"What's it to you!"

"Just curious, but if it's inconvenient to say, forget I asked."

"Hmph! Listen up and listen good, I am an administrator in the Ninefold Mountain Sect."

"Just an administrator?" Gao Fei laughed, "With the way you carry yourself, I thought you were the Sect Leader of the Ninefold Mountain Sect."

"What nonsense are you spouting!" The envoy's face changed color: "Our Sect Leader of the Ninefold Mountain Sect is a figure who commands respect from all over, compared to him, I'm just a pawn, nothing worth mentioning..."

Gao Fei grinned and said, "At least you're aware of your place."

"Hmph!" The envoy snorted coldly, "Given the choice, I would rather be an administrator for Ninefold Mountain than the Sect Leader of the Yin Yang Sect."