Chapter 198 Tragic

Speaking of which, Niu Hu really had a tragic time, a tragedy to the extreme.

Before he met Gao Fei, Niu Hu was incredibly arrogant, doing whatever he wanted in Capital University, with no one daring to interfere, living a carefree life to the fullest... But after meeting Gao Fei, his carefree life was shattered in an instant.

Whenever he thought of Gao Fei, Niu Hu felt a hatred that made his teeth itch, coupled with a trace of fear.

Strictly speaking, Gao Fei was just an ordinary person, with ordinary origins and an ordinary background. Logically, someone like Gao Fei shouldn't have been a threat to Niu Hu, but... Gao Fei had superb medical skills, having cured Niu Hu's grandfather's chronic illness. The whole Niu Family owed Gao Fei a favor. In such a situation, if Niu Hu dared to provoke Gao Fei, he would definitely face his grandfather's punishment.

There was nothing to be done, he could only endure it and not raise his head in front of Gao Fei.