Chapter 205: Demon Abyss (Part 3)

Lu Hao, carrying Xu Lingxiu on his back, cursed as he climbed the mountain, "This is damn tough! It's a new society now, but these Miaojiang people don't go out to live a better life, instead hiding in the deep mountains. There's no electricity here, no entertainment, don't they feel lonely? Don't they feel isolated? Don't they yearn for the outside world's glitz and glamour? If it were me, I would've broken down a long time ago!"

"People are different," Gao Fei said. "Some people like living in big cities, some people like to seclude themselves in the mountains. Everyone has the right to choose how they want to live, and others have no right to interfere. Besides, if the Miaojiang people moved out, how would they continue to practice Gu Art? The things passed down from our ancestors can't just be thrown away, because for a people, their heritage is very important, even more so than their own lives."