Chapter 230: Independent Space (Part 3)

"Sect Leader Huyan, in consideration of you, I won't bother with this senseless fellow," Gao Fei feigned magnanimity as he spoke, "I am broad-minded and never hold grudges. Even if someone offends me without seeing clearly, I can forgive them. What can I say? I'm just soft-hearted."

"You... you bastard!" Chen Feiyang was nearly driven to madness, "I must kill you... I will kill you for sure..."

"Sect Leader Huyan! This guy is insulting me, and he's threatening me, aren't you going to do something?" Gao Fei shouted.

Huyan Wudi rubbed his forehead with his hand, getting a headache from Gao Fei's antics in just a short while. Gao Fei really was a supreme-grade oddball! The incessant chatter that came from his mouth could really anger someone to death.

"Enough..." Huyan Wudi waved his hand languidly, "Cultivator Chen Feiyang, you are broad-minded, so let's not bother with him. Sit down and have a drink to calm down."