Chapter 253: Assessment in Progress

The Tianyang Sect messenger said expressionlessly, "I'll ask one last time, have you all really made your choice?"

The scene was deathly silent, not a single person spoke.

"Let me make this clear, if anyone dares to deceive or harbor a stroke of luck, and I find out," the Tianyang Sect messenger said coldly, "hmm, the consequences will be very serious. Remember, if you remember, you remember; if you don't, you don't. Don't even dream of getting lucky, I will check each one of you later! Those who try to deceive me will be punished severely!"

"I... I had remembered it just now, but now I've forgotten it again..." A young man walked out from the crowd on the right, his head bowed as he walked towards the crowd on the left.

"I've forgotten too."

"Me as well."

"What's going on, my memory is getting worse and worse, I clearly remembered it just now, how long has it been? To forget so quickly? That's really inexcusable!"

"To wait in vain for ten years, only to end up with nothing."