Chapters 681-682: None of That Nonsense!

However, the slight melancholy did not linger in Xiao Yi's mind for too long. Xiao Yi was not one to wallow in sadness or be overly sentimental. His thoughts on Zhao Yuhua were not complicated; after all, she was undeniably a beautiful woman, and Xiao Yi, being a normal young man with typical aesthetic appreciation, had enjoyed his time with her. Their interactions were harmonious, and since both were cultivators, at the moment of their parting, this faint sense of melancholy arose.

It lasted only a moment before he pulled himself together. He and Zhao Yuhua were from different worlds; their relationship had always been like two rivers that never meet. It was only by chance, or perhaps through some cosmic mistake, that he ended up being her shield just once. And with that realization, he let go of the melancholy and other negative emotions, shook his head with a smile, and turned to walk towards his Toyota.
