Chapter 147 Instructor Appointment

Su Ying shook her head to dispel the ridiculous thoughts from her mind, and then said, "This, perhaps President Lin likes guys who are a bit bad~"

"A bit bad?" Stephen felt his brain wasn't quite keeping up.

Do Huaxia women have a problem? Good men aren't liked, but instead, they prefer bad men.

"I don't mean that. What I mean is, on the surface, he may seem slick and good-for-nothing, utterly ordinary, but if you truly understand him, you'll find that his slickness is actually his humor, his worthlessness is just because he doesn't want to show off, he looks common, but actually, he is full of mystery..."

At this point, Su Ying herself was stunned.

She didn't even know why she would say such things.

Was this really her view of Wang Dadong? Did she actually have such a high opinion of him?

How could that be? He was just a despicable bad guy, he ate a whole year of her salary in one meal!

But if not, why else would she say those words?